[ VII ]

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Me and Tsumiki were sitting together on her bed, watching a movie. Tsumiki seemed to find it very interesting, laughing every few seconds. But I was more interested in critiquing the bad acting rather than the content of the movie itself.

"That guy's such a bad actor. I wonder why they even hired him?" I pointed at the guy who was trying his best to be funny, but it clearly wasn't working. I guessed it worked for Tsumiki though.

Tsumiki just eyed me. "You're so critical Megumi. Lighten up a bit! It's supposed to be funny." She said.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, this is the kind of movie you and Satoru would find funny. Even though the jokes are really lame."

But unexpectedly, she took the topic of conversation elsewhere. "I noticed that you and Gojo-san are on a first name basis now. You're always calling him Satoru instead of Gojo." She observed.

"Yeah, I guess so." I didn't really want to tell her about the conversation we had that time, and how me and Satoru agreed that first name basis was only for us. "It's not a big deal," I played it off.

"Hey, who is Gojo-san to you?" She asked me.

I looked at her blankly. "What do you mean? Satoru is Satoru. That's all he is." Tsumiki asked a weird question.

But she repeated herself. "No, I mean what kind of relationship do you have with Gojo-san?" 

I leaned back on the bed and thought about, but I couldn't quite come up with an answer. "I don't know. He's just Satoru to me. What is he to you?" I turned the question back at her.

She leaned back on the bed as well, so we were laying down side by side. "He's kind of like a weird uncle. But more like an older brother to me." She said. "And he said that he considers me a younger sister. I guess we really are family now huh?" 

She turned off the television because at this point we were more interested in our conversation than the movie. "Now you have to answer the question, what is Gojo-san to you?"

"He's an annoying weirdo. That's it. He's a guy that our dad dumped us onto and now we have to stay with him. That's all there is to it." I answered hastily. "Anyways, I'm going back to my room. We're not even watching the movie anymore." I left and closed the door behind me.

But as I walked down the hall to my room I started taking the time to think about it. What is Satoru to me?

I opened the door to my room and laid down atop of my bed, looking up at the ceiling as I started to think.

A best friend maybe? No, that can't be right. Another dad? No way! That's even farther off. I really don't know what he is to me. He's....he's....

Suddenly I remembered the time when we were cuddling together on my bed and he kissed me on the forehead. I felt butterflies in my stomach. 

He's a weirdo.

The next night, Satoru was laying down on my bed beside me. He told me he wanted to sleep with me tonight. I didn't object. To be honest, I really liked sleeping with him at night.

We were cuddled together under the blankets, when I brought it up. "Hey, did you know that Tsumiki thinks of you like an older brother?" 

"Yeah," he replied. "I also think of her like a younger sister. Or maybe even a niece." Then he smirked at me. "And what about you, Megumi-chan? What do you think of me as."

I thought about that a lot already. But I still didn't know what to say. Other than the fact that he gave me butterflies. What do you call a relationship that does that to you?

So I ended up just repeating what Tsumiki said. "Uh, maybe a weird uncle, since you're so strange. Or maybe also an older brother."

"Hmm really?" Satoru looked at me. But he didn't look happy. He tucked a hair behind my ear. "That's a shame, because I don't want to be your older brother."

He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I want to be yours."

My eyes widened. Then I pushed him away. "Haha, that's funny," I said sarcastically. "It annoys me how you play around like that." I grumbled. There was a part of me that felt warm inside. But I know he's just joking around. He seems like the playboy type. Like in movies.

"Ehh, but I'm not joking around!" Gojo said. "Here I'll prove it to you." He pucked his lips and leaned towards me, but I covered his mouth.

And then I felt a kiss against my hand. I got flustered. "Wh-what did you do? Did you just kiss my hand?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it was a good night kiss." He smiled. "Here, I'll give you another one."

He leaned down. I expected him to kiss me on the cheek or on the forehead like last time. 

But this time, he gave me a peck on the lips.

I covered my mouth with my hands, completely shocked by what he did. He just gave me a lip kiss! My first kiss!

"Good night, Megumi-chan," he said.

"Um, okay." I said, flustered again. "Good night!" I brought the blankets over my head, and forced myself to fall asleep. But the butterflies were back. And my heart was beating fast. What is this feeling? What did he do that?

What is Gojo Satoru to me?

But in the back of my mind, I already knew.

He was my crush.

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