[ XXVI ]

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I woke up feeling warm. I was completely naked, and I was wrapped in Satoru's arms. He kissed my back, and he held me closer. "Good morning, my darling Megumi-chan. Did you sleep well?" He asked me.

"Mm," I said, turning my body so that I was facing him. He pressed a kiss against my lips. 

"I love you Megumi-chan," he whispered into my ear. He probably said it like 500 times last night. But I still never got tired of hearing it. "I love you too, Satoru," I told him back, and he kissed me again. 

I heard my stomach rumble, and I stared to feel hungry. I was about to get up from the bed, but Satoru pulled me back down. "Not yet," he said. "I still want to cuddle with you."

"But I'm hungry!" I complained. "I want to eat breakfast right now."

He smirked. "I guess you would be hungry since you used up all your energy last night." I blushed, remembering what happened. "S-shut up," I said shyly as he pressed a kiss against my temple.

He got up, picked his clothes off of the ground, and started putting them on, and I did the same. I took a quick glance to look at Satoru's naked body, but I quickly turned away when he caught me staring. He's probably going to tease me about this later, I thought.

I wasn't even able to put my socks on when he suddenly picked me up in a princess carry and carried me downstairs. Once we reached the kitchen, he was spinning me around and throwing me up in the air. He wrapped his arm around my torso and started kissing my neck, which caused me to giggle.

And then I got embarrassed after realizing that Tsumiki was sitting right there at the kitchen table, watching us. 

"W-wait this is embarrassing," I said, blushing and squirming away from him. And then in a whisper, "Tsumiki's watching."

"Then should we ask her if she minds?" He said. "Tsumiki, do you mind watching me kiss your brother?" He called out to her.

"No, it's fine!" she replied back.

Satoru carried me all the way to the kitchen table and sat me down right beside Tsumiki. I looked down and realized that my feet were cold. "You carried me all the way here but I still wasn't able to put my socks on. My feet are cold," I pouted in complaint.

"Sorry about that Megumi-chan" He kissed my temple. "I'll go get your socks for you." And he started heading upstairs. I watched him as he walked away.

Tsumiki nudged me. "So you and Gojo-san. And you two are even wearing the same clothes from last night." She observed. "Are you guys..?"

"We're together now." I said shyly, slight pink appearing on my cheeks as I said it.

She just smiled at me. "That means that the Hanahaki disease is gone permanently right? That's great! And if you're happy then that's all the matters. Did you ever tell him that you got the Hanahaki disease?" She asked me.

"Yeah," I replied. "We talked about it all last night. Turns out he got it as well because of me." I revealed to her.

"What? No way!" She said in shock. That's exactly the response I had.

Then Satoru came down the stairs and walked towards us. When he reached me, he kneeled down and put the socks on my feet. "Here are your socks, my darling Megumi-chan" he said. 

I heard Tsumiki giggle from the sides and I got embarrassed. "I can put them on myself Satoru," I complained to him. 

Then he sat beside me and pulled me in close, and then he put an arm around my shoulder. "What do you want for breakfast?" He asked me. "You too Tsumiki," he looked at her and asked her too.

My stomach rumbled. "I'll just have whatever's available." I told him. "Then we can make breakfast together," he said. He held my hand and we walked to the kitchen counter. 

As we were cooking, he was hugging me and kissing me the entire time. Sometimes I squirmed a bit out of embarrassment, but I loved the affection he was showing me. It was crazy that me and him would always be like this from now on. Crazy, but in a good way.

Now he was nibbling on my ear. It felt good so I ended up closing my eyes. And then I realized again that Tsumiki's watching, and I felt embarrassed. I'm probably going to have to get used to her watching us from now on.

After we finished breakfast and got ready for school, Satoru decided to drive us today instead of me and Tsumiki being driven by one of the drivers. I was in the front seat this time, and Tsumiki was in the back.

He turned his head towards Tsumiki for a second. "Make sure you don't tell your teacher's about me and your brother okay?" He winked at me. And it made me turn pink. He had a point, our relationship wasn't exactly proper. So we would need to keep it a secret, at least until I graduated high school.

"I'll keep it a secret," she assured. "On one condition. I want you to buy me a new handbag. And I also want new shoes. And a television for my room." I had no clue whether she was being serious or no. Also, did she realize that was three conditions and not just one?

It made Satoru laugh. "Look Megumi-chan, Tsumiki's blackmailing us," which made her laugh too. "I guess I'll have to do as she says. The price of our love is expensive." He joked.

I rolled my eyes. Though he says that, buying those things didn't even put a dent into his bank account. He was crazy rich after all. 

Before I exited the car to go to school, he kissed me on the cheek. "Have a good day at school Megumi-chan. Want me to pick up?" He asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "Whenever you get the chance, come drop me off and pick me up from school."

"Of course. Anything for you, my beloved Megumi-chan," he replied, making me feel all warm on the inside. I closed the car door and he drove away. 

So this is how it'll be from now on. Just me and Satoru, in a secret relationship. But I was more than happy with it. After all, I loved him. And he loved me back.

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