[ XXII ]

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I was about to leave the house to meet up with Yuuji, when I remembered something we talked about the day before. I wanted to show him my book collection, as well as the garden that Tsumiki planted out back. It would also be nice if he could see my room and we could hang out there. 

I saw Gojo, sitting at the kitchen table, facing away from me, drinking some water through a straw. It still felt awkward for me to talk to him. I couldn't talk to him for too long without starting to feel a painful sensation in my chest. But I had to try. Or else I'd never be able to get over him.

So I walked up to him and asked him in the most casual way possible, "Can I bring someone home tomorrow so I can show them around the house?"

"Sure," Gojo said, without even looking at me. I could tell there was still some animosity between us. "Who are you bringing? A friend from school? I thought you didn't have any friends."

"Haha, that's funny," I laughed sarcastically, even though it was partially true, I had no real close friends. "I'm not bringing a friend. I'm bringing my boyfriend."

Gojo remained silent for a moment. Then he turned around, looked at me, and said, "On second thought, no. I don't want random strangers to enter this house. He's not allowed to come."

"What the heck?" I yelled, feeling myself get mad. "You're such a hypocrite! You bring girls over all the time, so why can't I bring my boyfriend? What's wrong with it?" 

He continued sipping on his water. "The difference is that it's my house, so my rules. Sorry Megumi-chan, but you can't bring him home."

I remember I used to love when he called me Megumi-chan, but now it sounded condescending. Like he was belittling me like a small child instead of how he used to call me that with affection.

"I can't believe you!" I shouted. "Don't know why I even bothered to ask. Maybe it is better that I don't bring him, so that you'll never be able to meet him!" I was about to storm away, when Gojo's voice stopped me.

He moved his drink away. "Nevermind. I changed my mind. He can come."

I looked at him, confused. "What made you change your mind?" I asked skeptically.

He merely shrugged. "I changed my mind because I felt like it. Now stop questioning me before I change it again."

And so I walked away from him, and exited through the front door.

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