[ VI ]

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I was on the couch, drinking some lemonade, when Gojo approached me and sat beside me. 

"Megumi-chan~ are you enjoying your drink?" He asked cheerfully.

"Mmm." I responded. I kept sipping on it. 

Gojo moved closer to me and rested his head on my tiny shoulder. I've noticed that he's gotten more affectionate with me. "Gojo, you're heavy," I complained. I thought about pushing him away out of embarrassment but...do I really want to push him away?

Truthfully I kind of like this. So I let him stay like that.

"Hey Megumi-chan, I remember I told you to call me 'Satoru'. So why do you keep calling my Gojo? Do you still not like me?" He pouted. 

I didn't really know what to say. It's not that I didn't like him, it's just that...I don't know...it's embarrassing. 

"I don't hate you. But it's embarrassing." I admitted.

Gojo perked up a little. "So that means you like me right? So if you like me, you should call me by my first name. And I want you to hug me more often."

I got slightly annoyed. "That's stuff's embarrassing. Besides...I don't...I don't really like you. You're a weirdo and creep." I lied again. I could lie about my feelings as easily as I breathed air.

"Fine then, if you won't hug me or call me by my name I'll go and hug Tsumiki instead. Maybe I can get her to call me Satoru." He got up from the couch.

My eyes widened a bit. There that jealousy was again. Knowing that Tsumiki would start calling him by his first name. It was something I didn't want to imagine. I wanted to keep being special.

I tugged on the hem of Gojo's shirt. "Wait! Fine! Satoru! There I called you Satoru! Happy now? Now you won't have to hug Tsumiki. And you can stay here and hug me instead." I blurted out. My cheeks turned red. I can't believe I really admitted that.

Gojo- or I guess Satoru- sat back down and leaned on me again. Then he wrapped his arms around me. I didn't push him away. Instead I let myself get comfortable.

I let a little bit of honesty slip out again. "Don't...don't let Tsumiki call you Satoru. I want to be the only one who calls you by your first name. And I don't want you to hug her like this." Was I being petty? I was. But still.

"Mmm, whatever you say, Megumi-chan. This treatment is only for you." He held me a little tighter.

And somehow, even though it might've been a bit petty and silly, and even after I told myself getting jealous of Tsumiki is stupid. I wanted to be special to him.

"You have to call me Satoru from now on, okay?" He said.

"Okay," I answered.


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