[ XV ]

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It was my first day of high school. I was sitting in the backseat of the car, Tsumiki in the passenger's seat, while Gojo was driving. 

"Are you two excited for school?" Gojo asked us.

"Yup I'm pretty excited. It's going to be a whole new year." Tsumiki answered. She was always excited about the most mundane stuff. 

Me on the other hand, I just responded with, "Not really. I don't feel anything special." I was more worried about dying from my Hanahaki disease than anything in high school. Besides, it probably wouldn't be that different from middle school.

"You should be more excited Megumi! It's your first day after all. New people to meet, new things to do. Cheer up a bit more," Gojo encouraged me. No matter how much he called me 'Megumi' I still couldn't get used to it. I didn't want to admit it, but I missed when he called me 'Megumi-chan'.

"Yeah, okay," I said, just for the sake of it. I looked out the window at my high school. It was rather prestigious, just like my middle school. A place only for rich kids. I guess I have to thank Gojo and his money for letting me attend here. But I wasn't especially looking forward to it. 

Gojo parked the car in the parking lot, then got out of the car with us. "Wait, why are you coming with us?" I asked him.

"So I can take a picture of you!" He held out his camera. "I took a picture of Tsumiki on her first day, and I'm going to do the same with you." 

I had a look of annoyance on my face, but I didn't object. "Then let's just get this over with."

We walked to the front of the high school so that the building was could be in the shot. As people saw me, Tsumiki, and Gojo walking together, they looked at us in awe.

"Hey it's that guy!" I heard someone whisper. "Tsumiki's dad I think! I saw him before. He's so hot. And her younger brother's so good looking as well! He's so pretty" I guess they were talking about me.

"Tsumiki's so lucky, her family basically won the genetic lottery," I heard someone else say. Gojo wasn't even related to us, but I didn't feel the need to correct them. But I was getting annoyed at the attention we were getting, even though it happened a lot. At least Gojo wouldn't come here often and they would eventually get used to seeing me, but this was why first days were so annoying. 

I was standing in front of the school, while Gojo crouched down a few feet away from me so he could take my picture. "Smile Megumi!" He instructed.

I stayed frowning, which made Gojo frown. "Come on, at least smile once. I won't leave until you give me a smile," which just made me frown harder. He took a few pictures of me and Tsumiki, which I did end up smiling for, only a little bit.

Then it was my turn to take a picture with Gojo. I tried standing away from him, but he just held me closer. "No matter how much you avoid me Megumi, you can't avoid me for a picture."

"I'm not avoiding you!" I insisted again. 

"Yeah sure, anyways make sure you smile." He told me. I didn't want to, I kept frowning, making a face like I didn't want to be here. Especially at seeing the people who stopped to look at us taking a picture together.

And then suddenly Gojo started tickling me. He tickled my sides and my underarms where I was most ticklish. I heard the flashing sounds of the camera. Tsumiki was taking pictures at every second I was being tickled.

"E-enough!" I pushed him away. "Stop that! Why did you-"

But Gojo ignored me and walked towards Tsumiki. "How were the pictures?" He asked her.

"Good!" She said cheerfully. "They turned out great. He's smiling in basically all of them. You two look like you're having a lot of fun."

He took the camera from her. "It looks great," he observed. "Especially since Megumi has the cutest smile," he winked at me, but I looked away from him in disgust.

"You got your pictures right? So you can leave now. School's about to start, so I'm heading to class." I walked away from them, and walked towards the entrance of the school building.

"But wait, Megumi!" I heard Gojo call out. But I was already gone.

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