[ XXIX ]

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✿ Epilogue ✿

It was many years later. 

I held my father's arm as I walked down the aisle. I looked to my side, and saw Tsumiki smiling at me. I smiled back at her.

Classical music played as I walked. I blushed, feeling nervous but mostly excited. I looked forward, looking at him as he stood there, waiting for me to reach the altar. He smiled at me lovingly.

I can't believe I was really marrying Satoru. I remember telling my dad about it. At first he was completely opposed to it, and then he accused Satoru of all sorts of things. He told us it wasn't right, that Satoru was my guardian even though we were both adults. But he eventually caved. It took a very long time, but he caved and gave me his blessing after I told him that Satoru was the love of my life, and I wouldn't marry anyone except for him. And now we were here, and my dad was walking me down the aisle. 

It was an intimate wedding of only a few people. We didn't want too many in attendance because I didn't like big weddings, and I didn't want too many people to find out because of the way our relationship would get judged. But that was fine with Satoru, because he told me he was happy with whatever I wanted. 

I was close to the alter when I scanned the room, noticing Yuuji wasn't there. That made my heart sink a little bit. I sent him an invitation, and I really wanted him to come because he was very important to me, but he told me he was busy. That was understandable, but it still made me feel sad.

Finally I reached the alter, and Satoru held my hand. He was wearing a black suit, while I wore a white one. We each picked out each other's suits. He looked so handsome. So handsome that it gave me butterflies. His hair was smoothed back, so I had a clear view of his eyes. I can't believe that I was really marrying him.

"I can't believe that I'm really marrying you Megumi-chan," he whispered to me quietly. "It's like a dream come true." I smiled to myself, knowing that we were thinking the exact same thing.

I placed a ring on his hand. It was a silver wedding band, with a diamond on it. It had my name 'Megumi' inscribed on it, just like the bracelet he gave me. Then he placed a ring on my ring finger, identical to his, only his name 'Satoru' was inscribed on mine.

Then it was time for the vows. We opted to recite our own personal vows to each other. I remember saying it would be easier to let the officiant to the talking and we would just say the standard vows, but Satoru insisted on having them be more personal. So I agreed.

Satoru took a deep breath. I've never seen him more nervous until now. I thought that he would take out a piece of paper, but he just spoke without one. "So, Megumi-chan," he started saying. I got kind of embarrassed at being referred to as 'Megumi-chan' but I didn't say anything.

"I've loved you for so long," he told me, squeezing my hand a bit. "And I love you more than anything in the world. I've loved you from the moment I met you, I loved you all these years, I love you now, and I'll love you forever."

He continued. "I'm so happy that we can be here like this today, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. It took a long time, and it wasn't always smooth sailing, but we're finally here," he laughed a little, and I laughed with him. "You've always been the one for me Megumi-chan. No matter what, I'll always support you, I'll be there to comfort you, and I'll always love you. And from now on, for forever, I'll always be by your side. I love you." He said.

It made me get emotional. In fact I even mouthed to him, 'How am I supposed to top that?' which made him chuckle a bit.

Then I took out a piece of paper from my pocket. I couldn't just say my vows from memory, so I needed something to read off of so I wouldn't freeze up and not know what to say next. I looked at the paper and read, "Satoru. You've always been special to me. For the longest time, I didn't think we'd ever end up together, however I still kept loving you even through our roughest moments. Even after everything we've been through, I still loved you, and I love you now, and I'll love you forever no matter what the future has in store for us."

This time I squeezed Satoru's hand. "I remember in the beginning I was confused by you. I couldn't read your feelings, and your behavior kind of annoyed me." I said, making some people laugh.

I continued. "But eventually everything about you become endearing to me. The way you smother me with affection. The way you always go over the top. The way you tell me that you love me everyday. I loved it all. I loved everything about you, all your perfections and imperfections, and all your flaws. You'll always be special to me, and you're the only one for me."

That made Satoru get slightly teary eyed, and I reached up and wiped his tear with my sleeve. "I'll always be by your side no matter what. I love you too, Satoru," I declared.

Then I heard the marriage officiator say from beside us, "You may now kiss the groom."

And before I could even react, Satoru picked me up in a princess carry and kissed me. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck, enjoying the kiss. I was really his. And he was really mine.  

Then he ran down the aisle, still carrying me, all the while people were clapping. Then we exited the chapel together, and he sat me down on the backseat of the car so we could go to the after party venue. Then he got in beside me, and we buckled our seatbelts.

"Are you happy Megumi-chan," he asked me, holding my hand.

"Mmm," I said. "Are you happy Satoru?" I asked him back.

"Of course!" He beamed. "It's you and me, Megumi-chan. From now until forever." 

And then he kissed me again.

Later, after the wedding during the after party, Tsumiki took me aside. "Congrats Megumi! I can't believe my little brother got married. I'm so happy for you!" She hugged me, and I hugged her back.

"Thanks Tsumiki," I said gratefully. "I'm happy that I got married as well. It really is like a dream come true. I'm a bit sad that Yuuji couldn't come," I told her sadly.

"Oh about Itadori-kun," she pulled out a letter from her purse. "He told me to give this to you. Here read it." She handed me the letter. I turned it over, and Yuuji's writing was on the back. It was addressed to me.

"Thanks," I told her. I can't believe he wrote me a letter. "I'll be right back," I said, wanting to read it in private. So I left the room to go the bathroom, and I read it while I was in the stall so I wouldn't be interrupted. 

I carefully opened the letter, not wanting to rip it. What does it say? I wondered. After opening it, I looked inside to see a handwritten note, all in Yuuji's handwriting. I unfolded it and it read,

Dear Megumi,

I'm sorry I couldn't come to your wedding. I hope you believed me when I said that I was busy, because I really was. 

Okay, maybe that's a bit of an excuse. Truthfully I wanted to be there for your wedding. I wanted to see you walking down the aisle, happy to get married to the love of your life. But I couldn't. It's embarrassing to admit, but I couldn't.

I know it's been a lot of years since, and I should've moved on by then. In fact I felt like I moved on, since the Hanahaki disease got better and basically disappeared. I remember telling you whenever we caught up that I dated other people and that I was okay, but I spent a lot of time alone. And you'll always have a part of my heart.

I guess it's a bit crazy for me to still feel this way about a high school boyfriend, but I can't help it. You were my first love, and you'll always be my first love. So in a little bit of selfishness, I couldn't be there because I was afraid it would break my heart a little.

But despite that, I'm still happy for you. And your happiness matters most of all. So even you can't be with me, even if you're happy with someone else, I'll still be supporting you.

You're important to me Megumi. And no matter how much time passes, that will never change.

Congratulations on your wedding. 

Love, Itadori Yuuji.

"Yuuji, I can't believe you," I said out loud, feeling overwhelmed and touched by his letter. "You're important to me too. And you'll always mean a lot to me."

"Thank you for everything, Yuuji."

✿ The End ✿

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