[ XVII ]

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It was the next day at school. I sat down at an empty desk, and I was forced to move after finding out they had already assigned seats and the only empty one was a seat at the back near the window. So I sat down there.

The area between my legs, specifically my asshole, was sore. Looks like I was only feeling the full effects of it now. But I didn't regret it. Because I might've found my cure. 

Then some random girl came up to me. "I saw you ditching class to hang out with Taiki. He's a really popular senior. How was it?" They asked. "He actually doesn't go here anymore. He just came here yesterday to say goodbye to everyone before transferring to Osaka. But well, looks like he couldn't say goodbye since he ended up spending the day with you."

"Huh, so I don't have to see him again," I said. I was mildly disappointed, since if I got attached to him I wondered if I could use him to get over Gojo, but I realized that wouldn't work. Even if I was attracted to him, I didn't exactly like him like that.

Then she sat on my desk as well. What's with people and their habit of sitting on my desk and acting like they know me? She pointed at a guy standing in the corner. "You know, he's interested in you and wants to know if you want to hang out with him."

I looked at her skeptically, "So you came over here so you could act like his wing man?" 

She shrugged. "Kind of, since we're friends. But I also wanted to get a better look at you. You're like, really pretty." She complimented.

Just then, I heard my name over the speakers. "Fushiguro Megumi, head down to the office please. Fushiguro Megumi, head down to the office." 

I sighed and walked out of the class. Once I reached the office, as expected I got chewed out by the headmaster for ditching class. I apologized as generically as I could, and he let me off with a warning since it was my first day. I guess if I was going to hang out with guys, it couldn't be during the day.

Then I caught myself thinking that. Wait, I'm planning on doing this again? I'm planning on sleeping with more guys? This isn't a one time thing? 

I pressed my hand against my chest. Ever since I got the Hanahaki disease, I got sick and coughed up flower petals every night, but I didn't get sick the entire night I was with Taiki. Maybe this is the cure, I thought. It's not like I fell in love with someone else, and it's not like I feel out of love with Gojo, but still. I felt okay the entire night. Maybe if I do this enough times, it'll go away.

As I walked down the hall, some other random guy winked at me. I smiled back at him. I normally didn't entertain stuff like this, but I was going to start responding back to it. They're probably going to think I was easy now, and I'm probably going to have a bunch of nasty rumors floating around about me, but I didn't care. I felt better.

So I walked down the hall, back to class, feeling a newfound power in me. Two can play at this game. If Gojo can do it, I can do it too.

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