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After school finished, me and Yuuji went over to the house so he could see the place. I got nervous and uneasy, and I felt like grabbing Yuuji's hand and running away before we went inside. But I promised to show him around. So here we were.

I was simply staring at the front door, thinking, when Yuuji's voice broke the silence. "Are you going to open the door Megumi?" He asked me.

My eyes darted around. "Yeah, I will. But I'm nervous. Just in case he's home, and you end up meeting." I already told Yuuji about my one-sided love before, but I still felt uneasy.

Yuuji merely smiled. "Don't worry, I'm here for you. And if things get awkward I'll just punch him in the face." He laughed and I laughed along with him. He really had a talent for making me feel better.

I opened the door, ready to brace myself to see him, but surprisingly he wasn't there. "Huh, looks like he's not home," I commented. "He's probably out doing something." Or maybe he was with a girl, I thought, but I didn't say out loud. 

"Well we can go to my room, and you can see my pet owl. He's one of the biggest owl's in the world!" I started walking up the stairs and Yuuji followed behind me. 

We had a nice time. I showed him my owl, who took an immediate liking to Yuuji, and then I showed him my book collection, and we ended up watching more movies. I showed him my favorite documentary about capitalism, while he made me watch Ant-man. I could tell he got bored watching my documentary, and I got slightly bored watching Ant-man, but it felt nice to just be in each other's company.

I rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm glad we're taking it slow. I really like you Yuuji. And I'm grateful that you're willing to wait for me to fall in love with you." I closed my eyes, enjoying the comfort he gave me.

"Yeah," he replied. "Me too. I'm glad I can be here for you, Megumi," he said. 

I looked into his eyes. I liked him a lot. But it was in a different way that I liked Gojo. The love I had for Gojo was all consuming, painful, and it was like butterflies filling me up. It was uncontrollable, and it left me desperate and filled with longing. 

Meanwhile the feelings I had for Yuuji were more gentler. He gave me warmth and comfort, and made me smile. I always felt safe when I was with him. It would be better for me to just love Yuuji, I thought. Maybe if I had met Yuuji first, I never would've gotten the Hanahaki disease.

"Hey, want me to make you some food?" Yuuji offered. I remembered that he made something for me when I visited his house. He was a good cook. "If I can use your kitchen, I can make us something for dinner."

I got up from the bed, and he got up along with me. "Sure," I replied. "I'm pretty hungry. What are you going to make?" I asked.

He gave me a mischievous smile. "I'll surprise you," he said. And we exited my room, and started walking downstairs. 

Once we got downstairs, we ended up seeing Gojo, who was sitting at the kitchen table. I tried to push my nervousness away. It wasn't a big deal. If Yuuji and me were going to be together for a long time, then they would have to meet eventually. Besides, Gojo was my guardian, so it was only natural he would end up meeting my boyfriend.

Yuuji nudged me. "Is that him?" He asked in a whispered tone. "The guy you are - or maybe used to be - in love with?"

I looked at the ground. "Yeah, it's him. The guy I used to be in love with." I couldn't tell him that I still had lingering feelings. But maybe if I kept talking about my feelings for Gojo like they were in the past, then maybe it would help make them fade away.

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