[ IX ]

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I was cuddled snuggly against Satoru. We were watching a movie, more specifically Kimi no Na Wa. Tsumiki had recommended it, and I could see why she liked it so much. We were almost finished, but I didn't want to end yet. It was probably going to end up being one of my favorite movies of all time. 

Since Tsumiki was out of the house, hanging out with her friends, it was just me and Satoru. I looked up at him, and I could tell that he was enjoying the movie too. He patted my head and started caressing my hair, and I enjoyed the feeling of his warm hand.

When we finished the movie, he grabbed the remote and turned the television off. Then he asked me, "did you like the movie Megumi-chan?"

"Mmm," I nodded. "It's good. I can see why it's Tsumiki's favorite movie."

Then he lifted me up and brought me onto his lap. I was getting taller now, but I was still pretty small and light. He wrapped his arms around me, and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Did you see Megumi-chan? The red string of fate. The string the ties together your destiny with the person you love. Do you believe in such a thing?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "Not really. It sounds fake. Like something that desperate people believe in." I wasn't the type of person who believed in myths and legends, I preferred believing what I could see.

"That's not good. You should start believing in stuff like that. Here," Satoru took a red string out of his pocket. Did he just randomly have that string with him that whole time, or did he get it because we were going to be watching this movie?

Then he tied one end of the string around his pinky finger, and one end of it around mine. "Now we're tied together. So we are each other's destiny." He smiled. I blushed a little bit.

"Did you know, Megumi-chan?" I turned my body so I could look at him. He bonked me on the nose with his index finger. "That Megumi-chan is my most favorite, precious person in the whole wide world."

I blushed even more, not knowing whether to believe him or not. "Y-you're just saying that," I stammered out. If he was just joking, it would be cruel for him to play with my heart like that. I untied the ribbon off my pinky. 

"Besides, what do you even mean by that?" I pouted. "Satoru, you're more than 10 years older than me, and I'm only 13. You probably just mean that you like me like a kid or a younger brother or whatever." 

Yeah, there's no way he meant it in that way. The way that meant we would be together romantically. He's an adult and I'm a kid, and he's supposed to be my guardian. 

"What if I told you I did, Megumi-chan? What if I really did mean it?" He asked me again.

This time, I got off of his lap and sat on the couch, a few inches away from him. "You're just saying that. There's no way. Just like how the red string of fate isn't real. We aren't each other's destiny." Then I got up, and started heading to my room. 

The truth is, I wanted to believe it. I wanted to believe it so bad. That I was his most loved one, and he meant what he said. But the rumors, our age gap, and my fear of being rejected or being played with casted doubt into my mind. 

So I entered my room, not looking bad, but also feeling somewhat childish and regretful about my answer.

But if he really was sincere...if he meant every word that he said...that I was his favorite, and that I was precious to him, then...

I felt the exact same way.

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