1. First Meet

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A couple was walking on a road, hands in hands. There was no one on road except them.

Guy - I love you.
Girl - I love you too.

They were walking then the girl feels someone is standing behind her. She left that guy's hand and turn but didn't found anyone. She again turn and didn't see her boyfriend. She became tensed.

Girl - Baby where are you?

Then someone came from behind, she feels someone hot breaths on her neck, she turn and sees a guy. That guy turned into a vampire and attacked her neck and feed on her. He suck all her blood and left her and goes from there.

            The Vampire Diaries

Skips to next day
In morning

A girl is showing sitting in her room, getting ready for going out.

Girl's P.O.V

Today I will smile and it will be believable. I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents. Today will be different, I will do a new start...Avu you have to go to school, get ready.

P.O.V ends.

That girl reveals to be avneet.

She gets up, takes her bag and goes downstairs

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She gets up, takes her bag and goes downstairs. She sees her aunt. She hugs her aunt and said - "Good morning".

Her aunt hugs her back and said - "Good morning".

Avneet - I am getting late for school, I will see you later.
Aunt - Okay!

She comes out of the home and sits in car and she drives the car towards her school. She reached there and goes inside.

Avneet's P.O.V

I was standing then two girls came to me. They hugs me, I hugs them too. We breaks the hug.

Girl 1 - Hi avu.
Avneet - Hi reem.

That girl reveals to be reem.

Girl 2 - Hi cutie.
Avneet - Hi jaan.

That girl reveals to be jannat.

We were talking then someone enters in school. All girls were started drooling over him. We look towards the direction, it's a guy. He is hot.

Jannat - Uff he is hot!
Reem - Yes, just look at him.
Avneet - Guys stop drooling over him, we have class.
Reem - Fine.
Jannat - Let's go.
Avneet - Okay! Well...I m having chemistry.
Jannat - I am having maths.
Reem - I am also having maths.
Jannat - Let's go together.
Reem - Ok, see you later, avu.

Both goes from there. I was heading towards my class then I bumped into someone. I was about to fall that person hold me from my waist.  I closed my eyes in fear, then I open my eyes and sees that guy on whom girls were drooling holding me. We were looking into each other's eyes.  I breaks the eye contact. We gets back in normal position.

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