14. You used me to replace your ex-girlfriend!

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I am really sorry guys, I know I am updating after a really long time. So sorry for that.

Now let's continue the chapter.

Currently siddharth's P.O.V is going on.

She said pointing towards her bracelet.

Siddharth - Good.

Avneet - Why are you asking this?
Siddharth - Umm...I am just asking casually.
Avneet - Ok, good night.
Siddharth - Good night.

I placed a long kiss on her forehead. She gets up from table and goes upstairs in her room. I also goes in her room, I enters in room and sees her sleeping peacefully. I goes and laid down beside her, her back is facing me, I hugs her from behind.

Skips to next day

I wakes up and sees avu sleeping beside me. I steps out of the bed, I takes my clothes and goes in bathroom. I takes a shower, get ready and goes downstairs. Door bell rings, I goes to open the door and sees sameeksha.

Siddharth - What are you doing here?
Sameeksha - Invite me in, then I will tell you.
Siddharth - I am not going to invite you in.
Sameeksha - Fine, I am also not going to tell you why I am here.
Siddharth - Ugh..fine, come inside.

She enters inside. She goes in hall, I follows her.

Siddharth - Now tell me why are you here?
Sameeksha - I am here to meet you.
Siddharth - And why you want to meet me?
Sameeksha - Come on, siddharth.

She move closer to me and keep her hands on my chest and said - Can't I come to meet my ex-boyfriend.

Then we heard a voice, it is from avneet.

Avneet - Siddharth!!

We looks at her direction. Avneet walk closer to us. She looks at sameeksha and gets shocked.

Avneet - Oh my god!
Sameeksha - Hello avneet.
Avneet - Who are you? And why we look same?
Sameeksha - I am sameeksha.
Avneet - siddharth's ex-girlfriend?
Sameeksha - Yes!
Avneet - But why we look same?
Sameeksha - Becoz you are my doppelganger.
Avneet - What?
Sameeksha - Yes!

She looks at me in anger.

Siddharth - Avu, I can explain this.
Avneet - You used me to replace your ex-girlfriend?
Siddharth - No! It's nothing like that.
Avneet - I hate you, siddharth.

She runs from there.

Siddharth - Avu listen to me, pls.

I runs behind her. She is running on road. I caught her. I hold her wrist and pull her closer.

Avneet - What do you want now?
Siddharth - Avu, listen to me, please.
Avneet - I don't want to listen you.
Siddharth - Avu please.
Avneet - Siddharth get one thing straight, I am not sameeksha!
Siddharth - I know you are not sameeksha. You are different from her.
Avneet - Siddharth you used me to replace your ex-girlfriend!!
Siddharth - No, avu, it's nothing like that. You are different from her and I know this.
Avneet - When you got to know this? Before you kissed me? Or before you slept with me?
Siddharth - Avu remember the day when your parents died, I was there.
Avneet - What?
Siddharth - I was in woods, car went off the bridge. I goes to help them but your father told me to help you first. I took you out from the car, I again goes back to help your parents but before I could help them, they died. You look like sameeksha becoz you are her doppelganger. From that day I used to spy on you. You are not sameeksha, avu. You are far better than her. She is selfish but you are not selfish. She only care about herself but you care about your love ones. You can die for your love ones but she can't. This is the difference between you and her.

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