4. Vision

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Currently siddharth's P.O.V is going on.

Avneet - Why are you sitting here alone?
Siddharth - Umm..aise hi.
Avneet - Why don't you go and find yourself a partner?
Siddharth - Well...I like a girl.
Avneet - Who is she?
Siddharth - That girl is beautiful and cute.
Avneet - Ya but who is she?
Siddharth - But I don't think she is interesting in me.
Avneet - Oh come on siddharth, you are so freaking hot! How a girl can not fall for you!...Who is she?
Siddharth - That beautiful girl is sitting right in front of me.

She blushes. God she looks super cute while blushing.

Avneet - Umm..Well, I have to go, reem is calling me. Bye.

She goes from there.

Then we all enjoyed the party, I fed on a girl and I goes back to my home.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

Skips to next day

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

I wakes up, get ready and goes downstairs. I sees aunt making breakfast.

Avneet - Good morning aunt.
Aunt - Good morning, avu.

Aunt serves me breakfast, I eats it and goes to school . I reached there and goes inside. I goes to reem and jannat.

Avneet - Hey.
Jannat - Hi.
Reem - Hi.
Jannat - Did you heard the breaking news?
Avneet - No. What is it?
Reem - Last night at party there was a girl found dead.
Avneet - What?!
Jannat - Yes!
Avneet - How did she died?
Reem - It was like an animal attack her on her neck.
Avneet - Animal attack?
Reem - Yes!
Avneet - Whatever I am having class, I have to go. Bye.
Reem and jannat - Bye.

I goes to attend my class. I reached there and sits on bench, after few minutes riyaz came and sits beside me.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Riyaz - Hey.
Avneet - Hi...Did you heard about that animal attack?
Riyaz - Animal attack?
Avneet - Yes! Last night at party there was a girl found dead. It was like an animal attacked her.

Riyaz's P.O.V

God it must be siddharth. He is killing people, I have to stop him.

P.O.V ends.

Before riyaz could say anything teacher came there and started teaching.

2 lectures passed

Reem's P.O.V

I went in library, I was reading a book standing in front of book shelf. After few minutes riyaz came, he came and stands beside me.

Riyaz - Hey.
Reem - Hi.
Riyaz - Can you pass me that book?

He said pointing towards the book which was in the next shelf.

Reem - Ya sure.

I takes the book and forward the book towards him. He takes it, our hands touched and I suddenly gets a vision. In my vision, there were dead bodies and blood everywhere. I opened my eyes, the vision was not much clear but it indicates only death. I am a witch, I can sense if something wrong is going to happen...I have to tell avu about this.

Riyaz - Umm..you ok?
Reem - Uh..yes, I am fine.

I comes out of the library and goes to meet avu. I found her in corridor, talking to a girl. I goes towards him.

Reem - Can we talk?
Avneet - Yes! Tell.
Reem - Umm..not here, come with me.

I said dragging her from there. I takes her in school ground.

Avneet - Everything ok, reem?
Reem - Umm..I want to talk to you about riyaz.
Avneet - What happened?
Reem - You like him, right?

She blushed a little and said - "Probably yes".

Reem - Take things slowly.
Avneet - What? Why? What happened?
Reem - Umm..I am just saying to take the things slowly, avu.

After saying this I turn and takes a step but she hold my wrist and stop me. I turn towards her.

Avneet - What happened suddenly?
Reem - Umm..avu...
Avneet - Tell me what is it, reem?
Reem - I got a vision.
Avneet - Vision?
Reem - Yes, vision...You know na I am a witch.
Avneet - Yes!
Reem - Few minutes ago I was in library, there riyaz asked me for a book, I passed him that book and when our hands touched a little, and I got a bad feeling..And I got a vision.
Avneet - What type of vision?
Reem - It was not clear but it indicates death.
Avneet - Death?
Reem - Yes, death! And yesterday night I got one more vision, which says that the girl who died last night, it was just the starting. There's more to come...I think something is wrong with this guy.
Avneet - Reem I...

I cuts her in between - Don't take tension, avu, the vision was not clear. And I am not asking you to stay away from him, I am just asking you to take the things slowly.

After saying this I goes from there.

Reem's P.O.V ends.

Avneet's P.O.V

Reem said that when she accidentally touched riyaz, she got a bad feeling and a vision. She said that the vision indicates death...Ugh! Nothing wrong is going to happen, avu. I pushed all my thoughts away and goes from there.

Skips to afternoon
After school hours

I comes out of the school and sees siddharth, standing with his car, leaning against the car's door. What he is doing here? I started walking on road, I take few steps and turn and sees only his car, I didn't found siddharth. I turn and sees him standing in front of me. God! He scared me. Both brothers are gonna give me heart attack one day.

Siddharth - Hey.
Avneet - Hi.
Siddharth - Did I scared you, cutie?
Avneet - Umm..honestly yes.
Siddharth - Well, I am sorry, I didn't meant to scared you.
Avneet - It's fine..Btw what are you doing here?
Siddharth - I came here to pick you.
Avneet - What? Pick me?
Siddharth - Yes! But if you don't want to come with me then it's fine.
Avneet - Hey, it's nothing like that.
Siddharth - So let's go.
Avneet - Sure.

We walks towards his car, he open the door of me, I sits on passenger seat and he close the door. He himself sits on driver seat and started driving the car towards my home. How he knew my address?

Avneet - How you knew my address?

He became a little nervous but soon covered it and said - "Leave this and tell me something about yourself".

Avneet - There's nothing special about me.
Siddharth - There are so many things special about you, sweetie.

I blushed.

Siddharth - Well, are you free tonight?
Avneet - Yes, why?
Siddharth - Wanna go club tonight?
Avneet - Umm..ok.
Siddharth - Great! I will pick you at 8 tonight.
Avneet - Okay!

We talked for few more minutes then we reached my home. He stopped the car, I opened the door and was about to step out but he hold my wrist and pull me into a hug. I also hugs him back. We breaks the hug and he kissed my forehead and said - "Take care".

I smiled at him, he also smiled back. I steps out of the car and goes inside my home. I sees aunt sitting in hall. I goes towards her.


To be continued.

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