22. She is kidnapped again.

213 23 4

Skips to next day
In morning

Siddharth wake up and sees avneet sleeping beside him. He kissed her forehead and steps out of the bed. He goes downstairs in kitchen and make coffee for her. He serves it and takes it upstairs in their room. He sees her awake, streching her arms. A smile came on his face.

Siddharth - Good morning, love.

Avneet sees him and smile and said - Good morning, baby.

He walk towards her and sits on bed beside her. He handed over the cup to her.

Avneet - Thanks.
Siddharth - Anything for you, sweetie.

Avneet takes a sip from it and said - It's nice.

Siddharth - Thanks.
Avneet - First I will take shower.
Siddharth - Okay!

Avneet kissed his cheek and steps out of the bed. She drinks coffee and takes her clothes and goes in bathroom. She takes a shower and wear her clothes and comes out. Then siddharth goes inside takes a shower and wear his clothes and comes out.

He goes downstairs and sees avneet making breakfast. He goes and back hugs her. He move towards her neck and started sucking and biting her neck. She moaned his name softly. He hold her hand and turn her towards him. He capture her lips with his.

They started smooching each other's lips, he keep his hands on her waist and pull her closer to deepen the kiss. She wrap her 1 hand around his neck and with the other one she start caressing his hairs. They breaks the kiss after a minute.

Avneet - Breakfast is ready. Let's eat it.
Siddharth - Sure.

She serve breakfast. Sidneet sits together and started eating.

Siddharth - It's delicious.

Hee said as he took a bite.

Avneet - Thanks.

Both eats it silently and then goes in hall.

Avneet - Let's watch a movie.
Siddharth - Sure.

Siddharth set up a movie and then both sits on sofa then movie started. She keep her head on his shoulder and keep her one hand on his chest. He wrap his arms around her and pull her closer. Avneet slept while watching the movie.

After the movie ends, siddharth saw that she slept. He took her in his arms carefully without disturbing her sleep. He took her in their room and made her laid down on bed carefully.

He kissed her forehead and was about to go but she hold his hand and stop him. He turn and look at her and found her asleep. He tried to take his hand out of her grip but failed.

He didn't wanted to disturb her sleep so he decided to slept beside her. He goes and laid down on bed beside her. She kissed his forehead and wrap his arms around her and slept.

Both were spending a good time together but they didn't know that a big storm is coming soon.

On the other side

Someone 1 - Is everything ready?
Someone 2 - Yes!
Someone 1 - Where is she right now?
Someone 2 - She is spending some quality time with her boyfriend.
Someone 1 - Let her enjoy for now, then she will never get to see her boyfriend again.

Someone 1 smirked. Someone 2 also smirk.

Skips to next day
In morning

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

I wake up and sees siddharth sleeping beside me. My head is on his chest and his arms are wrapped around my waist. When I ended up here? I was watching movie with sid...I must have slept while watching it.

I push my thoughts away and slowly gets up from him and remove his hands from my waist without disturbing his sleep. Then I kissed his forehead and steps out of the bed. I goes in bathroom and wash my face and tied my hair in a bun. I comes out of the bathroom then goes in hall.

Then door bell rings. Who will it be? I push my thoughts away and goes to open the door, I opened the door but didn't found anyone. Then I closed the door and comes inside. I turn and is about to go but again door bell rings.

I opened the door again but didn't found anyone. Who the hell is doing this?  I closed the door and comes inside. I turn and is about to go but again door bell rings. Ugh! I am going to kill whoever is on the door.

I again opened the door but didn't found anyone. I steps out of the house and look around but didn't found anyone. I started walking around to see if anyone's there. But I didn't found anyone. Then I felt someone's hot breath on my neck.

But before I could turn and see who is it, someone made me smell something and I started feeling dizzy, and I gets unconscious.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

That person picks up avneet in his arms and takes her from there.

At siddharth's side

Siddharth's P.O.V

I wakes up but didn't found avu sleeping in my arms. She must be in bathroom. I gets up from bed and stand in front of washroom. I knock on the door, but didn't got any reply. I knock 2 - 3 times but didn't got any reply.

I open the door and enter inside but didn't found her. Where is she?...She must be in kitchen or hall. I should go and check. I quickly comes out of the room and goes in hall, I didn't found her. Then I goes in kitchen, I didn't found her there too. I got worried.

Where is she? Did lucky?...No, no, it can't be him. No one knows we are here, plus the house is bounded with a spell so he can't come in...But what if she went out?

No, why would she went out? God! Where the hell she is? Then suddenly door bell rings. It must be avu. I run towards the door and open it and didn't found anyone.

Then my eyes fell down, there's a letter lying on floor. I bend down and take that letter and read it. The letter says -

Hey siddharth,

Your love is with me, tonight is full moon night. Tonight I will sacrifice avneet. Now no one can save her. If you want to see her for the last time you can come in the woods at midnight.



God! He took her away from me. How dare he to do that?..I have to save her. And for that I need reem's help. I need to call her right now. I quickly run in room and took my phone and dialed her number. She picked it after few rings.

Reem - Hello sid.
Siddharth - Hey reem, I need your help.
Reem - Hey you ok? You don't sound good.
Siddharth - Lucky kidnapped avu.
Reem - What?
Siddharth - Yes!
Reem - How?
Siddharth - I will explain you everything when I will meet you. I am on my way to your house.
Reem - Okay!

I quickly takes car keys and left for reem's place. It took me 3 hours to reach at reem's place becoz the farmhouse was out of the town. I reach there and park the car and goes inside. I ringed the bell, reem open it.

Siddharth - Reem, do something asap tonight is the full moon night.
Reem - Don't worry, I have already prepared everything. I am about to start chanting the spell, we will find where she is soon.
Siddharth - Okay!

We goes inside and goes in hall. There was a map place in the middle of the table and two candles at the corner of the table. She started chanting the spell.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

On the other hand
At avneet's side


Next chapter is gonna be the last chapter of this book.

To be continued.

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