23. Last chapter

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On the other hand
At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

I wake up and found the surrounding different. I am sitting on chair, my legs and hands are tied. Then someone enter the room, I look at that person, it is lucky.

Avneet - Lucky.
Lucky - So finally you woke up, love.
Avneet - Where am I?
Lucky - We are at my place right now, and we will be going to the woods soon.
Avneet - Woods?
Lucky - Yes, tonight is full moon night and I am sacrificing you tonight.
Avneet - What?!
Lucky - Yes, be ready.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Lucky takes avneet and takes her to woods.

At siddharth's side

Reem - He is taking her to woods.
Siddharth - We need to leave asap.

Reem and siddharth walks towards the door. Reem open it and both left for woods.

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

Right now I am in woods, I am standing and then lucky brought a guy and pushed him, he fell on ground.

Avneet - Who is he?
Lucky - A werewolf. Now it's time for the vampire.

Lucky goes and then brought a woman. I sees her and gets shocked, it's my aunt. What is she doing here?!!

Lucky pushed her, she was about to fall but I hold her.

Avneet - What the fuck is my aunt doing here?
Lucky - She is a vampire, I am going to sacrifice her.
Avneet - WHAT?!
Lucky - Yes!
Aunt - Avu, what is going on here?

I turn towards my aunt.

Avneet - Aunt actually...

I told her everything.

Aunt - What? It means we are going to die.
Avneet - No, sid will do something to save us.
Aunt - Sid is a vampire?
Avneet - I know I hide this thing from you and I am so sorry about that.

Our conversation was disturbed by lucky.

Lucky - Ready laides, we are about to start it.
Avneet - Pls don't drag my aunt in all this.
Lucky - Sorry, love, but I have to.

Then a girl came here.

Avneet - Who is she?
Lucky - A witch. She is going to start chanting the spell.

That witch started chanting the spell channeling the power of full moon into moon stone.

I am going to die soon, I wish I could see sid for the last time before all this.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

At siddharth's side

They were on there way to woods.

Siddharth's P.O.V

Don't worry, love, I am coming to save you.

P.O.V ends.

They reach there in few minutes and comes out of the car. He saw avneet and her aunt there.

Siddharth - Reem are you ready?
Reem - Yes!
Siddharth - Let's go and attack on them.

He said as he was about to go but reem hold his hand and stop him.

Reem - No, we can't fight with him, first we need to go and hide somewhere then I will tell you the whole plan.
Siddharth - Uh..ok.

Reem and siddharth goes and hide somewhere in bushes.

At Lucky's side

Witch started chanting the spell, there were alot of candles placed, they lightened. The witch started chanting the spell channeling the power of full moon into moon stone.

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