10. Truth revealed!

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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

Siddharth - Let's go.
Avneet - Okay!

We sits in car and siddharth drives the car towards school. We reach there. I hugs him, he also hugs me back. We breaks the hug.

Avneet - Bye.
Siddharth - Bye.

I comes out of the car and goes inside my school.

2 hours later.

I was passing from library then my eyes fell on riyaz. I have to be sure about him being a vampire but how?

I thinks for a minute then an idea comes in my mind. Vampires craves for blood, if he is a vampire he will crave for blood. I look around to find a sharp object then my eyes fell on a blade. I takes it and cut my hand a little. I goes to him and said - Riyaz.

Riyaz - Hmm?
Avneet - Look my hand is bleeding.

He looks at my hand and slowly his eyes started turning red, he started turning into a vampire. Oh my god! He quickly turn his face other side.

Avneet - Hey riyaz. What happened?
Riyaz - Umm..nothing.

There was a mirror in front of him, I sees his face in mirror, he turns into a vampire. But soon gets normal and turn towards me.

Riyaz - Umm..avu, I am having some work, I will see you later. I will ask reem to do your dressing.

After saying this he goes from there. Reem was right, he is a vampire. I quickly runs from there. I goes to search reem, I sees her in lab. I walk towards her.

Avneet - Reem.

I called her name and she looked at me. Her eyes fell on my bleeding hand.

Reem - What happened to your hand, avu?
Avneet - Leave this and listen to me.
Reem - What leave this? Come with me, I will do your dressing.

She takes me to medical room. Nurse was not there. She made me sit on chair and takes a chair and sits in front of me. She did my dressing.

Then she said - Yes tell me what you were saying.
Avneet - I have something really important to tell you.
Reem - What is it?
Avneet - You were right.
Reem - What?
Avneet - Riyaz is a vampire.
Reem - What?!

She gets up from chair, I also gets up from chair.

Reem - How are you so sure about this?
Avneet - Yesterday we were at the park, there we met an old man, he said he saw riyaz years ago and he didn't aged a day. When a glass cutted his hand, he got healed by his own. Few minutes ago when I showed my bleeding hand to him, his eyes turned red. He turned into a vampire.
Reem - Oh, my god!
Avneet - You were right.
Reem - Hmm...Just don't tell anyone about this. I am having class, I will see you later.
Avneet - Ok. Bye.
Reem - Bye.

Reem goes from there.

Skips to night

I wanted to talk to riyaz about this but reem told me not to...I am not able to control myself, I quickly gets up from there and goes downstairs. I grab my car keys and comes out of the home. I sits in car and drives the car towards his home. I reach there and goes and stands in front of the home. I ringed the bell and riyaz open the door.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Riyaz - You here at this time? Everything ok?
Avneet - Who are you?
Riyaz - What?
Avneet - I know you are not a human, and I also know what are you but I still wants to hear it from you.

He looked at her in shocked.

Riyaz's P.O.V

Oh my god! How she know the truth?!!

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