11. I love you!

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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

Siddharth - Good night.

I comes out of the car and goes inside my home. I directly goes in my room. I takes my clothes and goes in bathroom, I change my clothes and comes out. I laid down on bed and slept.

Skips to next day
In morning

I wake up and steps out of the bed. I takes my clothes and goes in bathroom. I takes a shower, wear clothes and get ready and goes downstairs. I sees aunt, she is with her luggage. Is she going somewhere?

Avneet - Aunt.

I called her, she look at me.

Aunt - Hey avu. Good morning.
Avneet - Good morning...Are you going somewhere?
Aunt - Yes! I have a business trip, so I will not be at home for 1 month.
Avneet - Oh!

She walk towards me.

Aunt - I won't be at home for a month. Take care of yourself, avu.
Avneet - Okay!

She kissed my forehead.

Aunt - You can call siddharth at home if you want 😏.

She said teasingly.

Avneet - Aunt!
Aunt - Ok, fine. I have made the breakfast, and I am going. Ok, bye.

She hugs me, I also hugs her back. We breaks the hug and I said - Bye.

She takes her luggage and walks out of the home. Now I am alone. She said she had made the breakfast. I goes in kitchen and eats it.

2 hours passed

Door bell rings

I goes to open the door. I opened the door and sees siddharth. He hold my hand and pull me closer and quickly capture my lips with his. We started smooching each other's lips. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his torso. He takes me inside, he made me sit on table. We breaks the kiss after 5 minutes.

Siddharth - Hey.
Avneet - Hi.
Siddharth - Where's aunt?
Avneet - She is not at home, she is out for a business trip. She will come back after a month.
Siddharth - That's good.

After saying this he again capture my lips with his, we started smooching each other's lips. He keep his hands on my waist and pull me closer. I keep my 1 hand around his neck and with the other one I start caressing his hairs. We breaks the kiss after a minute.

Siddharth - I LOVE YOU!
Avneet - I LOVE YOU TOO!

He move towards my neck and started sucking my soft spot. I moaned softly. He started kissing wet kisses on my jawline to my clevage. I moaned loudly. He again move towards my lips and our lips were about to met but his phone started ringing. We left each other. He attend the call and talked and hang up the call.

Avneet - Sid you can shift here for a month until aunt come back.
Siddharth - As you say, love.

He placed a long kiss on my forehead.

Siddharth - But for now I have to go.
Avneet - Okay!

I kissed his cheek and he goes from there.

Skips to evening

I am in hall then door bell rings, I goes and open the door and sees siddharth with his luggage.

Avneet - Hey.
Siddharth - Hi.
Avneet - Come inside.
Siddharth - Sure.

We enters inside and sits in hall. We talked for few minutes then I said - I will make dinner, you can go and unpack your stuff in guest room.

Siddharth - But I want to stay with you in your room.
Avneet - Umm..ok then.

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