18. Original Hybrid

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Happy Valentine's Day Guys.

Now let's start the chapter.

Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

Avneet - Ok, I will see you at mall in half an hour.
Jannat - Ok!

I cuts the call.

I goes in my room and change my clothes and did a little bit make up and keep my hairs open. I grab my phone and car keys and comes out of the home. I sits in car and drives the car towards mall. I reach there in 10 minutes, I park the car and comes out of the car.

I should text sid that I am at mall with jaan, becoz if he will come back at home before me and will not find me in the house he will get worried. I was texting him then someone come from behind and made me smell chlorophom.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Someone come from behind and made her smell chlorophom. Avneet became unconscious. He pick her in bridal style and he made her sit in car and drives from there.

At siddharth's side

Siddharth's P.O.V

I enters in home but didn't found avu in hall. She must be in her room, I goes upstairs in her room but didn't found her. I checked the whole house but didn't found anyone.

Where is she? Just hope she is safe. I was thinking about her then my phone rings. I look at the caller Id, it is from jannat. Maybe she know where avu is. I pick up the call.

Siddharth - Hello jannat.
Jannat - Hi siddharth. Where is avu?
Siddharth - Isn't she is with you?
Jannat - No! I asked her to join me for shopping, she said she will be here im half an hour but she isn't here. I tried to call her but her phone is switched off. Where is she? Is she safe? Reem told me what happened today, I am so sorry that I wasn't with you guys at that time.
Siddharth - It's fine, jannat.
Jannat - Btw isn't she is with you?
Siddharth - No, she must be with reem.
Jannat - No, she is not with reem. I called her and she told me that avu is not with her.
Siddharth - Oh god where avu will be?
Jannat - We have to find her. I am coming at your home with reem, we will find her together.
Siddharth - Okay!

I cuts the call.

She is not with reem and jannat also. I have to find her, I just have to wait till reem and jannat will come.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

At the other side

Avneet wakes up and find herself sitting on a chair, her hands and legs are tied.

Avneet's P.O.V

God, where the hell I am?!

P.O.V ends.

Someone walk inside the room, avneet look at the person.

Avneet's P.O.V

Who is he?

P.O.V ends.

Someone - How are you, sweetheart?
Avneet - Who are you?!!

She shouted on him.

Someone - Easy, love. You will get to know soon who I am.
Avneet - Why am I here?
Someone - You ask so much questions.
Avneet - Let me go.
Someone - Not so easily.

Someone smirked.

Meanwhile at siddharth's side

Door bell rings

He open the door and sees jannat and reem.

Reem - I got to know about avu.
Siddharth - Reem actually...
Reem cuts him in between - Don't worry, we will find her.
Siddharth - Hmm.
Reem - I need sameeksha's blood.
Jannat - Who is this sameeksha?
Reem - Avneet's doppelganger.
Jannat - But will she help us?

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