8. Dinner Date

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Anushka goes from there. She is walking on corridor using her phone, someone is also coming, then she bumped into someone. She was about to fall but that person hold her from her waist. She closed her eyes in fear, she open her eyes and sees a guy holding her from her waist. Both were looking into each other's eyes.

They have eye contact for a minute then she breaks the eye contact. Both gets into a normal position.

Anushka - Umm..hi.
Someone - Hi...Myself riyaz, Riyaz Nigam.

Someone reveals to be riyaz.

Anushka - Myself anushka, Anushka Sen.
Riyaz - You ok, beautiful?

She blush.

Anushka - Yes!

Riyaz's P.O.V

She is really beautiful and cute.

P.O.V ends.

Anushka's P.O.V

He is so handsome and cute.

P.O.V ends.

Anushka - Well, I am having class, I will see you later.
Riyaz - Okay!
Anushka - Bye.
Riyaz - Bye.

Anushka goes from there.

Riyaz's P.O.V

She is really sweet..I think I am falling for her.

P.O.V ends.

Riyaz also goes to attend his class.

Riyaz's P.O.V

I goes to attend my class, I enters in my class and sees anushka sitting alone. Oh, so she is also in same class as mine. I goes towards her and asked - "Can I sit here?".

Anushka - Of course you can.

I sits beside her. Teacher came and started teaching. During whole class I was staring her with a smile. She was blushing.

Riyaz's P.O.V ends.

Skips to night
At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

I takes a shower, wear bathrobe and comes out. I pick a beautiful dress and wear it. I did my make up and keep my hairs open. I gets ready in an hour. I sits on bed using my phone, after few minutes I heard the sound of blowing horn. I goes in balcony and sees sid, standing with his car. I goes downstairs. I sees aunt and said - "Aunt I am going, I will be back in 1 or 2 hours".

Aunt - Going out for a dinner with that guy who picked you from home today in morning.

She said teasingly. I blushes a little.

Wait! How does she knew that sid picked me today from home?

Avneet - How do you know that he picked me up from home today?
Aunt - I saw you with him...You guys look cute together.

I blush.

Avneet - He is waiting outside for me, I have to go.
Aunt - Ok bye.
Avneet - Bye.

I comes out of the home and sees siddharth leaning against the car's door. I walk towards him. He hugs me, I also hugs him back.

Siddharth - Hey.
Avneet - Hi.

We breaks the hug.

Siddharth - Let's go.
Avneet - Sure.

He open the car's door for me, I sits inside and he close the door. He himself sits on driver seat and started driving the car.

Siddharth - You are looking beautiful.

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