20. He have invited me for the party!

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Sameeksha - Neither I am having friends nor I am having my family. Just do as he say becoz if you will not obey him then he will kill each person you have met in your whole life...You love sid.

Avneet nodded her head.

Sameeksha - He can kill sid too if you won't obey him.
Avneet - What he wants from me?
Sameeksha - He is a vampire and a werewolf too and but his werewolf side has been forced into dormancy by witches, as nature would not stand such an imbalance in power. He is here to unleash his werewolf side by channeling the power of full moon into moon stone, sacrificing a vampire, a werewolf and drinking the blood of the human doppelganger.
Avneet - Oh!
Sameeksha - Avneet, I disobey him and he killed each and every person you have met in your whole life. So it will be better if you will obey him.

Avneet's P.O.V

I think she is right. I can't risk sid, aunt and my friends lives...I have to do something. I think I should surrender myself to lucky.

P.O.V ends.

Sameeksha's P.O.V

I know what are you thinking right now, avneet. You must be thinking to surrender yourself to lucky...Well, my plan work. Lucky sent me to do this work and soon she will surrender herself to lucky and he will use her to break the curse and I will be free from him.

P.O.V ends.

Sameeksha - Avneet, think about what I said. Only you can save sid and your friends.
Avneet - Hmm.

After saying this she gets up from sofa and goes from there.

Avneet's P.O.V

I think sameeksha is right. I have to do something.

P.O.V ends.

Skips to next day
In morning

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

I wake up and sees siddharth sleeping beside me. Well, I have to do something about this lucky. I kissed his forehead and steps out of the bed. I take my clothes and goes in bathroom and takes a shower and wear clothes and goes downstairs.

I goes in kitchen and make coffee and serve it in cup and takes it and goes in hall. I take a sip from it then suddenly bell rings. I kept the glass on the table and goes to open the door, I opened the door but didn't found anyone.

Then my eyes fell down, there's a letter lying on floor. I bend down and take that letter and close the door. I goes in hall and sits on sofa and open the letter.

The letter says -

Hello love,
You must be thinking that what work I am having with you. Well, there's a party tonight at my home, and you have to come there. I will tell you everything there and ya come alone only.



He have invited me for the party, should I go?...I think I should go, I will talk to him there. But I can't tell sid that I am going to meet him because if I will tell him then he will not let me go...I will not tell him anything.

I push my thoughts away and kept that letter in drawer and goes in kitchen to make breakfast.

Skips to night

Sid is not at home right now, I should leave for party before he comes back home. I quickly takes a shower and wear a beautiful dress and did my make up and hair.

I grab my phone and my purse and goes downstairs. I comes out of the home and sits in car and drives the car towards the destination. I reach there in few minutes and goes inside.

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