6. Girls Night Out

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Skips to next day
In morning

At riyaz's side

Riyaz's P.O.V

I wakes up, get ready and goes to school. I sees avneet in corridor. I goes towards her.

Riyaz - Hey.
Avneet - Hi.
Riyaz - I hope you don't think this is too soon or too weird, but..I wanted you to have this.

I said taking out a bracelet from my pocket.

She looked at the bracelet and said - It's beautiful

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She looked at the bracelet and said - It's beautiful.

Riyaz - I'd very much like it if you'd wear it for me...For good luck.
Avneet - Of course I will. It's beautiful.
Riyaz - May I?

I asked her, and she nodded her head in yes. I hold her hand and made her wear the bracelet.

Riyaz - Always wear it. Pls.
Avneet - Okay!

We talked for some more time then she said - "I am having a class, I will see you later".

Riyaz - Okay!

I kissed her forehead and she goes from there. Now siddharth can't compel her. I pushed all my thoughts away and goes to attend my class.

Riyaz's P.O.V ends.

2 hours later

Avneet's P.O.V

I was passing from library then my eyes fell on riyaz. I guess he broke something which was made of glass. He was collecting the pieces. I thought to go and help him. I took a few steps then I saw that the piece of glass cutted his hand. Oh god! It must be bleeding. I quickly walk towards him.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Avneet - Oh my god, your hand.

She was about to take his hands in her but he pulled his hand back.

Riyaz - No, it's fine.
Avneet - What fine? Show me your hand, riyaz. It must be bleeding.

Riyaz's P.O.V

God how should I tell her that vampires doesn't neet first aid for small wounds. They healed up by their own.

Riyaz - It's fine.

Avneet didn't listened me and takes my hand in her and looked at my hand. Then she looked at me in shocked.

Riyaz - I told you na I am fine.
Avneet - I saw it, the glass cut your hand.
Riyaz - Avneet I am fine.
Avneet - But I saw it...
Riyaz - Come on avu, I am fine.

Riyaz's P.O.V

Avneet's P.O.V

I swear I saw it, the glass cut his hand. But why isn't his hand bleeding?...I reem was right, something is wrong about him. I have to talk to reem about this.

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