2. She likes me too

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Riyaz - It's amazing, I met a girl named avneet, she is cute and beautiful. I think I am falling for her.
Siddharth - That's good.
Riyaz - Well, I am sleepy I am going in my room. Ok bye, good night.
Siddharth - Good night.

Riyaz goes in his room and slept.

Skips to next day
In night

At party

Everyone were at party, some were drinking, some were dancing and some were making out.

At riyaz's side

Riyaz's P.O.V

I enters in party, people were drinking, dancing and some were busy in making out. Then I heard avneet's voice. I am a vampire so I could hear voices from little distance too. Too much noise is here but I still managed to hear her voice. She was talking to reem.

Reem - Admit it avu, you like riyaz.
Avneet - Ok fine, I like him but I don't know about his feelings.
Reem - I guess he likes you too.
Avneet - How do you know?
Reem - I could see this in his eyes.

Oh so she likes me too, nice, even I like her. I was listening to her but a guy came to me. He is faisu, I met him yesterday.

Faisu - Why are you standing here alone? Let's go and get you a drink.
Riyaz - Okay!

I goes with him.

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

I was talking to reem then reem said - "I am going to get a drink. I will see you later".

Avneet - Bye.

Reem goes from there. I was standing there alone. I turned and sees riyaz standing. God! He scared me.

Riyaz - Hey.
Avneet - Hi.
Riyaz - Did you get scared?
Avneet - Umm..honestly yes!
Riyaz - I am sorry.
Avneet - It's fine...Well, you came.
Riyaz - Yes, you were coming, so I came here too.
Avneet - You know what?
Riyaz - What?
Avneet - You became so popular in school in just 1 day. The hottest guy of the school
Riyaz - You are popular here too. The sexiest girl of the school.

I chuckled.

Riyaz - Let's dance.
Avneet - Sure.

We goes to dance floor. A romantic song plays. He keep his hands on my waist and pull me closer. I keep my 1 hand on his shoulder and other one was interwined with his. We were dancing looking into each other's eyes. After 1 minute song came to end we left each other. We were talking then I gets a call, there was loud music so I went out to attend the call.

I was at the pool side, talking on call then I saw one dead body lying on floor. I screamed. It is looking like some animal attacked her neck. I was in shocked, then someone came from behind. I turned and sees riyaz.

Avneet - Riyaz look there is one dead body.

Riyaz looked at the dead body.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Riyaz's P.O.V

I was at the party when I hear avneet screaming, I goes towards the direction voice was coming from there I sees avneet.

Avneet - Riyaz look there is one dead body.

She said pointing towards the dead body. It is looking like someone attacked her neck. God! It must be sid. Can't he control himself.

Avneet - Riyaz we need to call for help.
Riyaz - Ya!

I pick that girl up in my arms and takes her out. Avneet followed me, I am gonna see sid once I will be at home. We takes her outside, I guess she isn't completely dead yet, I call ambulance. We admit her in hospital, after sometime her family came and we all goes back to our respective homes.

I drop avneet at her home and quickly goes to my home. I reach there and goes inside. I sees him in hall.

Riyaz - What the hell you just did today?!!
Siddharth - What?

He asked innocently...Well, he is not innocent at all.

Riyaz - Stop acting innocent. You came at my high school party and you feeded on a girl today?
Siddharth - Yes!
Riyaz - Why?
Siddharth - Come on riyaz we are vampires, we kill people. That's what we are.
Riyaz - Siddharth shut up!
Siddharth - You know what we should do it together. We should go and feed on people together.
Riyaz - Shut up! Its waste talking to you.
Siddharth - I saw avneet today at the party. She is hot!
Riyaz - Don't you dare to say anything about her.

After saying this I pushed him. He pushed me back hardly and I fell on floor. God! He is stronger than me.

Siddharth - Don't forget that I am stronger than you.

After saying this he goes from there. I gets up from floor and goes in my room and change my clothes and slept.

Riyaz's P.O.V ends.

Skips to next day
In morning

Avneet wakes up, get ready and goes to school.

She is in school ground with reem and jannat. They were talking.

Jannat - God I didn't did science project today.
Reem - Same here.
Avneet - But I did...Don't worry nothing much will happen.
Jannat - Let's see.
Avneet - Well, I am having class, I have to go. Bye.
Reem and jannat - Bye.

Avneet's P.O.V

I goes to attend my class, I didn't found riyaz in class. Whole day passed I didn't found him, it means he is absent today...Well, I should go to this home and talk to him. I will get a chance to know him.


Hope you guys like the chapter. I will be back soon.
Till then take care and stay safe.

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