19. Flashback

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Reem started chanting a spell, lucky felt a pain in his head. After few seconds he fainted.

Reem - We should leave before he will wake up.
Avneet - Ya, sure.

Siddharth walk towards avneet and quickly hugs her, she also hugs him back.

Siddharth - You ok?
Avneet - Yes, I am ok.

He breaks the hug.

Avneet - I wanna go home back.
Siddharth - Sure, let's go home back.
Avneet - But what about jaan?
Siddharth - We have to keep an eye on her...We should take her home with us.
Reem - No, I will take her home with me.
Avneet - But...

Reem cuts her in between - Pls.

Avneet - Fine.

Siddharth picks jannat in his arms and all comes out of the house and sits in car and siddharth drop sameeksha and reem and drives back to their home. They reach there and goes inside.

Siddharth - You go and get fresh.
Avneet - Okay!

Avneet goes in her room and get fresh. Then she comes downstairs and sees siddharth sitting in hall. She walk towards them.

Avneet - Sid, I want to cuddle with you.
Siddharth - Sure, princess.

She blush hearing the word "princess".

They goes in her room and avneet keep her head on his chest and he wrap his arms around her waist and pull her closer. Both slept in each other's arms.

Skips to evening

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

I wake up but didn't found sid sleeping beside me. I steps out of the bed and wash my face and goes downstairs but didn't found sid. He must have gone somewhere for his work. Suddenly door bell rings.

It must be sid, I push my thoughts away and goes to open the door. I opened the door and sees sameeksha. What the hell she is doing here?!

Avneet - What the hell are you doing here?!
Sameeksha - First let me come inside.

She enter inside, she goes and sit in hall. I follow her.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Avneet - What do you want?
Sameeksha - I need to talk to you.
Avneet - I don't want to talk to you. Just go.
Sameeksha - It's about sid.

Avneet look at her for a minute then said - What is it?

Sameeksha - You need to do my one work, avneet.
Avneet - What work?
Sameeksha - Avneet, you know the original who kidnapped you.
Avneet - Ya!
Sameeksha - He is an original hybrid.
Avneet - I know that.
Sameeksha - Then you should know few more things.

Avneet looks at her in confusion.

Avneet - What do you mean?
Sameeksha - I am going to tell you my whole story...You must be thinking that I am selfish, manipulative bitch, yes I am a manipulative bitch but I am not born evil. There were some situations in my life that made me like this.
Avneet - What situations?
Sameeksha - When I was of your age I was a human and I had a boyfriend. We were classmates, one day we spent a night and I became pregnant.


Sameeksha - Baby, I am pregnant.
Raj - What? 😱
Sameeksha - Yes! I am so happy today. I am going to be a mother...Now let's get married.
Raj - What?
Sameeksha - Yeah! Let's get married.
Raj - No, I can't marry you.
Sameeksha - What do you mean?
Raj - Look, sameeksha, I like you, I really do, very much but I can't marry you.
Sameeksha - But why?
Raj - Becoz I have another girlfriend.

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