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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

Present Time

Tee's POV

One day while working in the office I heard a familiar voice.

"Excuse me, can I know where I can find a manager?" I looked up from my desk and noticed that it was none other than my best friend, Copter.

"Copter!!!" I was so excited to see him that I forgot about Iris' warning. She gave me a strict order not to show myself in front of someone who is familiar to me, if I did then the consequences would be bad.

"Hey Tee, Oh my God!! Where the hell have you been??!! I haven't heard anything from you after your marriage. Did you forget about your best friend after meeting your wife, hmmm??" He teased me like he always does. I really missed interactions of this kind. Now I don't have anyone who would tease me or show any kind of affection to me.

I don't know what happened to me but I started crying after seeing Copter for such a long time. I missed him so much, I miss my family too and the freedom that I had before the marriage.

"Hey Tee, what happened, why are you crying? Everything is okay? Are you okay?? Tee??" He asked me with concern. I excused myself from him and ran outside into the balcony so I won't become the focus of entertainment for other employees.

I tried really hard to stop these stupid teras from flowing. I know Copter followed me and he will surely get suspicious if I act like this in front of him.

"Tee, what happened? Is everything okay at your home? You know you can tell me." He said and gave me a hug, which made me whimper in pain. The beating from Iris's boyfriend last night was still imprinted on my body.

I didn't say anything for a while and just kept sobbing my heart out in my best friend's embrace. It's been so long since someone held me like this, I don't want this moment to get over, ever.

"Listen Tee, I have to go and meet the manager, I will come back and talk to you, okay." He said while wiping my tears and giving a kiss on my forehead.

I nodded and he left after giving me an assuring smile.

I can't let Copter see through me, I know he'll catch my lies. I have to act tough in front of him no matter what.

"Hey Tee, let's go out!!" It was lunch time when Copter came back. He was really happy to see me and I was the same, but I can't let Iris know that I met with someone I know.

"Where? I can't ..I have work to do." I tried to deny it but I know Copter, he won't let this go that easily.

"Don't worry Tee.I have already taken permission from your boss and he said you are free to go." I can't say no to him now, otherwise he will think that something is wrong for sure. So I agreed to go with him.

He took me to some quiet place, it was a park. He knew that whenever I am sad I prefer a quiet place. It's so sweet of him that he still remembers so much about me, he truly is a best friend.

"What happened baby, why were you crying after seeing me? You didn't even cry meeting me after years at your wedding. So don't say that you were happy to see me and those were tears of happiness." Copter have the habit of calling me baby. Hearing it after so many months was like music for my ears.

This guy knows me so well. What should I say to make him believe that I am fine and everything is okay.

"Nothing Copgi, I was actually happy to see you that's why I cried. I was so busy with my work and Iris that I didn't have time to talk to you. It's been six months since I last talked to you. So yeah, those were tears of happiness, nothing else, I swear." I lied, hoping for him to believe me.

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