24. The only one

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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

A/n: Double update since I got super duper happy after Triage news. 😍🥳🎉

Tae's POV

"Damn. This place is so beautiful." Kimmon said while helping me to cook. 

Everything was set and I assigned work for everyone so we can spend a few days here. This place is somehow the best spot. I am sure that the sunset and sunrise will look breathtaking from here.

The land was spread wide followed by a shallow forest area. The wind was just perfect and all the flowers scattered here added to the beauty of our  adventure. 

I agree this place is like a dream. So beautiful and calm. But when I look at the person who was fast asleep in the sleeping bed, I can't help but change my views.

Nothing can be more beautiful than him.

"Yes yes we all know you are so whipped by Tee that nothing will be as good as he is." Kim mumbled with a smirk on his face.

"Did I say that out loud?" 

"Yes you did and…"


Kimmon couldn't finish his sentence when we heard The screaming in his dream. We ran towards him. Others were in the forest to collect more stuff, I am sure they'll come too if they were able to hear his scream.

But why did he scream like this?

"Tee baby, wake up." He was crying even when asleep and kept saying No.

Did he have another nightmare with Dan in it? Damn it! How long is that jerk going to make my baby suffer?

"TEE WAKE UP!!" I shook his body hard which caused him to open his eyes.

"P'Tae please!!! Please tell me you were joking. Please don't leave me!! Please P'Tae." 

We both were confused at first but soon we realized why he was talking about his nightmare.

"Tee baby. I am not going anywhere. You were just having-"

"Please P'Tae. I-I'll do anything for you. But please don't talk about leaving me. I will even stop crying from now on." He wiped his tears with his sleeve and tried his best to smile, in which he was failing miserably. His tears were still flowing.

"See P'Tae', I am not crying anymore. I will even stop worrying about you and be a good boy. I'll be independent, strong and … and I'll fight with fears on my own. I'll become just like the way you want me to be. But please don't leave me." He kept wiping his eyes and rambling. I tried to stop him and make him realize that it was just a dream but he was so out of it that he wasn't even listening.

I was getting the feeling of thousands of knives getting stabbed through my heart. It was so painful to watch him like this. O don't know why he thought that I would ever leave him. He has no idea how much I love and worship him. I have never seen someone as strong as he is. Even after going through so much here he is still standing tall and smiling.

I know talking to him won't be of any use now. So I just moved towards him and hugged him as close as I could. He kept crying and asking me not to leave him.

"What's happening?! Why is he crying? Did you guys do something to him?" Copter was giving me and Kimmom death glares. I didn't even realize when they all came back.

"Relax babe. Tee was having some nightmare and he started screaming and all." Kimmon explained to the other three of them the rest of the things. 

"You guys go ahead and carry on. I'll take care of him."

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