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Forgive my grammar mistake and typos.

Tee's POV

I was lost.

I was lost in the infinite whirlpool of life.

Everything was pitch black, there wasn't even a single ray of light.

I couldn't feel anything. Neither the pain nor the emotions.

It was like I was finally free from everything. Free from pain and misery.

It was good I guess, but I couldn't tell because I couldn't feel anything.

I wanted to remain here forever and not go back but there was something or I should say someone calling me.

That someone was holding on to me so tight that it was difficult to break free from it.

"I love you." I heard someone's familiar voice whispering this to me. This voice and this confession started to make me feel things again. I started travelling towards the light and leaving the darkness behind. I wanted to see who this person was, I wanted to live.

When I opened my eyes, it was a bit dark and the room was empty. I couldn't feel anything for a while, my whole body was numb. After a while I started to feel my whole body was in pain. I was feeling like a truck had run over my body and had broken every single bone in my body. The pain was so massive that I couldn't help but scream in pain.


Soon the room was flooded with nurses and doctors. Due to pain I couldn't properly see who was treating me but I did hear that familiar voice again. It was whispering to me again,which kind of helped me to calm down.

I felt something sharp poking me, it was an injection I think. When the medicine kicked in my body started to get numb again and I stopped feeling the pain. It was making me drowsy too. I wanted to stay awake and ask but the drowsiness hit me and I fell asleep.

"Yeah... okay bye." It was the first thing I heard when I woke up.

"Owh you are up. How are you feeling now? Are you in pain?"

I shook my head. I was just feeling a little bit of pain but it was not like the previous one.

"That's great. I will go and call Dr.Darvid, he has been worried sick for you." I don't know who this person was but he seemed familiar. He was also a doctor of course but I have never met him, so why did he seem familiar?

"Oh my God, Tee!!!" I was involved in a muscular body, which I know was P'Tae's. He put me in his embrace tightly yet gently, then he cupped my face and started showering kisses all over it. I for some reason did not get word out by it but this action made me happy.

"I was so worried , thank God you are perfect now." The last kiss or I must say peck landed on my lips. He did not try to deepen it but he just gave a gentle peck which lasted for a few seconds and I like it too.

I know that P'Tae has feelings for me, romantically but I wasn;t very sure of myself. I have never felt that kind of attraction towards any man till now. I have had crushes in school as well as in colleges too but they all were girls. Yes I used to find boys attractive but never in a romantic way.

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