17. The Party

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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

Recap(just in case few readers forget what happened in the last chapter):  Tee finally confesses his feelings towards P'Tae. Copter and Kim invite everyone to their bachelor party but Copter has some other plan in his mind . He is planning a surprise for his P'Kim.

Tee's POV

We reached Copter's house in the evening. When I say we then it means me, Bas and Copter only. P'Tae, P'Kim and P'Godt are planning for P'Kim's bachelor party.

We went inside the house and settled down in the living room.

"So what are you planning to do?" I ask.

"Well...umm...I am planning to crash at Kim's bachelor party," His reply was a bit shocking. 

He is planning to do what now?

"WHAT?!!!" We said in unison.

"You do know he will get angry if you do something like this to him." Bsa said

"Come on Copter, do you want to give him surprise or shock?" I said

"Relax guys and  trust me, yes he will be shocked to see me there but he will be happy too." Copter had an evil grin on his face. I don't even wanna think about his plans with his lover.

"What are you planning exactly?" I asked anyways.

"Come here." Copter signals me and Bas to come closer to him. He whispered his whole plan into our ears.

Well, not bad plan.

I think I should also plan something for P'Tae. Since we all are going to end up at the same party why shouldn't I also do something special for him,right?

Suddenly an idea popped into my head.

"Umm..guys..I have to go somewhere..I will be back in half an hour." I didn't wait for their reply and left.

After searching for almost fifteen  mins I finally found that thing which I was looking for. I am sure P'Tae will be very happy to see it.

I came back to Copter house an hour before we had to head out for our party. Enough time for me to get ready for my boyfriend.

It was finally time for our departure. We were all ready and excited for tonight, I was pretty sure Bas had also planned something for P'Godt.

I hope P'Kim will love Copgi's surprise. I hope same thing will happen with me too.

We reached the said bar on time.It was a very luxurious  bar. According to Copter, P'Tae's dad has booked a private room for P'Kim tonight to have some… ahem...fun. Not only for P'Kim but for others too.

For the other two also? But why?  

I know that P'Tae's dad is a very big business man in our country.Other than that ,I don't know anything about him.

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