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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.


Tae's POV


I woke up with my phone's non-stop ringing. Me and Tee have been sleeping together on the same bed for a week now. The feeling of cuddling someone while you sleep is so heavenly that it cannot be described into words.

I usually talk to Tee before going to bed and ask whatever is bothering him. He is cooperating now and has told me many things. He told me about the illusion he has sometimes about Dan. The nightmares are very rare but they still occur.

I promised Tee that I will cure him completely not only with medicine and therapy but with my love too. I want to love him so much that he will forget what the pain and suffering is.

We have tried to do more than just kissing but it didn't work out. He is still shaken up by that night when Dan tried to force himself on Tee. I have to take things as slowly as I can with him or else he might break again.

The time I have spent with Tee is so beautiful that I want to cherish it forever. I cannot imagine my life without him now. Spending a single day without him feels like a torture. He is just so sweet and adorable that it is really hard not to fall for him all over again.


My phone's ringtone broke me away from my thoughts.

I picked my phone up and noticed that it was Godt.

I Know why he was calling me. My dad was still torturing the trio and was trying to make them confess their crimes but they are very stubborn and weren't even speaking a thing.

I gave a peck on sleeping Tee lips and left the room. I went towards the living room to talk. I still haven't told him about those three and it's better if you won't find out. He will not like it for sure because no matter what those three have made him suffer through, he would never wish for the same for them, Tee is just a pure soul with a kind heart and it can also affect his health again if he will find out.

I did manage to collect some proof against these three but we wanted them to confess their crime first. If they won't then I will use that evidence when the time is right.

"Hello, yeah what is it?" I picked the call up.

"When are you planning to give the evidence to the police? We are tired of torturing these jerks." Godt was sounding pissed. I had no idea those three were able to endure this much.

"I will. I guess tomorrow maybe, I have to talk to Tee about this first,until then keep torturing those devils.I want them to suffer hell. I don't care if one of them dies,we can show it as an accident in public later." I said in a rage.

"Okay, see you soon and take care of Tee, bye." he hung up after that.

I took a deep breath and ran my palm all over my face in frustration. I decided to go back and cuddle my cuTee. As I turned around Tee was standing right behind me with a shocked expression on his face.


"Wha-what were you saying phi? What about them? Where are they? What did you do to them?" His voice was shaky and low.

"Tee...fuck!! Let me explain, baby. It's not what you think it is. Why don't you sit down first and..."

"NO! DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! What were you saying to Godt? Torture?! Death?! Are they even still alive?! I told you not to do anything and let the police handle it.I-I know what they did to me is beyond unforgivable but...how? why phi why?!!" He slumped down on the floor and started crying.

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