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 Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

{a/n: This chapter is going to contain lot of medical stuff and I don't have much knowledge about it so I've written whatever I thought is fine, forgive me for my mistakes}

Tae's POV

Oh God, I can't believe this is happening to Tee,.how is it possible? How can this possibly be happening to him? I am a doctor for God's sake, how could I not see that Tee's condition was getting worse?

"Gi-give me my medical kit, it's in that cupboard." I instructed Copter. I don't have time to regret the things that couldn't be changed. I need to focus and save Tee at any cost.

Copter gave me my medic kit and I injected him with Morphine just to ease his pain a bit. I hope by the time the ambulance arrives, he will remain stable.

Within five minutes an ambulance arrived. I pick Tee up in bridal style and run towards the ambulance. Bas, Copter and mom hop in the car and follow us, I laid Tee down carefully and started giving him basic treatment.

The staff in the ambulance knows that I am a doctor,so they just let me do my things and assist me.

I put the stethoscope on and started listening to his heartbeats. It wasn't normal at all, we had to reach the hospital as soon as possible or else...

"How much longer till we reach the hospital?" I asked the nurse.

"Five more minutes sir." she replied.

"Okay, park the ambulance in front of the ER." I instructed them.

It's easier and faster to reach the hospital by ambulance than any other vehicle, that's why I didn't use my car to bring Tee to the hospital.I could also give him the basic treatment on the way. We reach within five minutes and park the ambulance in front of the ER.

I jump out of the ambulance and order the male nurse to bring Tee to the ER room immediately. When I entered the hospital Godt was already there with Kim and Dad? Well I'll think about that later. My first priority is Tee right now.

"What happened to him?" Godt was worried just like me but I was worse than him. I was still panicking.

" I don't know...he-he was fine... then how could ..?" I couldn't even form a single sentence, my throat was choking. I want to save Tee but I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it.

"Tae listen, it's not time to lose your mind, we need to save our Tee. So brace yourself and think properly. Are you hearing me?!!!" Godt's words managed to bring me out of my remorse. He was right, I need to bring myself up and save Tee.

"Ye-yeah, you are right. Let's go and save him." I wiped the tears from my eyes and walked inside the room where Tree was.

Tee was already on the hospital bed and was connected with HRM(Heart Rate Monitor) and some other required equipment. His pulse was not normal and was dropping every minute.


"His pulse is dropping every minute and his oxygen level is also dropping. Increase his oxygen level." Godt instructed and gave him another injection which is helpful to stabilize the oxygen level.

Tee's breath was uneven, he was having difficulty breathing. His pulse keeps dropping and his body keeps becoming cold.

"Oh Lord, he is leaving us!!!" One of the nurses said loudly.

His heart rate was very uneven and I knew he was about to have another attack and if he did end up having another attack then it would be impossible to save him.

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