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Forgive my grammar mistake and typos.

Tae's POV


"Don't shout or Tee will wake up!!"

We all were done having our dinner. Tee was fast asleep with Bas with him. It was me, Kim, Copter and Godt now. We all were in the living room discussing Tee's condition. I know everyone is worried about his mental health and that's the reason I wanted to take steps.

I decided to tell Kim and Cop about the plan we have made. As expected, Copter is like the over protective friend he is, he wasn't in favor of it.

"This is the only thing we can come up with, Copter, we have discussed with Tee's therapist too and she said it's worth taking a shot. Yes it will hurt Tee all over again but once he will overcome his fear, he will be fine soon. We cannot help him stay in this mental state for long. Please try to understand!!" Convincing Copter is the hardest thing to do. I didn't find my studies this hard as I was finding this.

"P'Tae is right Copgi, I know you care a lot about Tee and won't let any harm come to him but this is the only solution we have. If you want to see him keep suffering just because you are afraid he will be hurt again then go ahead. But think carefully about what you want, do you want to see him getting hurt for a while or do you want to see him suffer for the rest of his life? Choice is yours." I honestly never thought that Kim could be this good at convincing people, the way he said this thing managed to cause some effect on Copter.

"I'll...well... if you all are fine with it then who am I to stop you guys. I know you are expert in this medical stuff and have consulted Tee's therapist too but I am just afraid, what if it will not go as planned? What if Tee's condition becomes worse?"

"I know Copter and trust us, we have planned everything out.Tee will be fine after this, we are sure of it. He will just need some more care and love after that but he will be fully healthy after it." Godt explained it to him.

So the plan was. One of us will become an impostor of Dan. Since Kimmon has a similar physique to Dan, we decided to use him. We will leave the front door open and Kim will enter the house, then he will try to take advantage of Tee, like Dan did that day but not as bad as he did.

Since Tee is weak now, he won't fight to save him. This is where Copter will come, he will talk to Tee daily until the day we will execute our plan. He will encourage him and motivate him to fight if something like this ever happens to him in the coming future.

We are thinking of executing our plan after a week. It will give enough time to Copter to motivate Tee as much as he could. We will include Bas also and he will tell Tee some made up story about how he once almost got raped but he fought hard and managed to bring the culprit down. Ever since that none has dared to come near him without his permission

Will let Kimmon teach Tee some tricks about handling himself in a situation like this, since Kim is an expert in this field and he will be the one getting attacked by Tee that day. We all have to be prepared and execute our plan very carefully.

"So we will execute our plan right after a week. Everyone please do your job perfectly. Will let Godt handle the department of Bas, I am sure you will fill him later. Right dude?" I teased him which made him blush. It's such fun to tease your friends.

Tee's POV

"And that my friend is how you knock your opponent down."

It's been almost a week since P'Kim has been teaching me some tricks for self defense. At first I thought it was really weird since he started teaching me out of the blue but soon I realised how important this thing is for anyone.

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