20. New Beginning

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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

Tee’s POV

2 months later

It’s been two months since I got engaged to P’Tae. The engagement was really amazing. Everyone was really happy for both of us. 

We didn't have any kind of big party since I don't want the people who barely speak to me to come to the party so that they can get free food. It was just a simple but really beautiful one.

We left for the USA after a week of us being officially engaged. I had applied for further studies in the university there and was accepted. It was in the same city as where P'Tae was working.

To be honest I was really scared to leave my homeland and go to another unknown place. I know P'Tae is with me but he wasn't going to be with me all the time. I was sure that I would have a lot of trouble meeting new people and adjusting.

I literally cried before the first day of my college in front of P'Tae. I was feeling like a kid again and was going to school away from my family for the first time. P'Tae tried really hard not to laugh at my reaction but he couldn't control himself and ended up laughing which made me angry.

It took a lot of coaxing from him to make my anger go away. Eventually I forgave him and he ended up encouraging me like a parent does. It was weird but I needed that.

My first day of college was fine. I didn't make any friends or whatever.  I only talked to the person who was sitting with me, which was a boy and man. I won't lie but he was pretty hot. Don't tell P'Tae I said that or he'll kill me. 

The first week went just fine. I did end up befriending two people. One was that hot dude Inlet on the first day, whose name was Patrick and second was his childhood friend, a girl named Patricia. When your parents are friends with each other then things like this happen, you end up having similar kinds of names.

I know there was more than just friendship from Patrick's side. I can tell he was in love with Patricia but was too scared to admit it. Since we became friends just recently I was in no position to give him any advice yet.

I did told them before befriending them that I am bisexual and is extremely happily engaged to a man. They didn't have any problem with it because Patrick's brother was gay too and he was cool with it.

Today was Saturday, finally. College was tiring and having a two days break was what I needed the most. Ever since we have moved here, I barely get the time to talk to P'Tae. Sometimes when he is free I am busy and vice versa. 

P'Tae was not home today too due to that research thing. I was home alone and was bored to death. I already did my work from college and had nothing else to do. I thought about texting Patrick or Patricia but decided against it. What if they've out together and having some fun? I didn't want to third wheel them.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts my phone chimed on the table. I grabbed it and it was a message from Patricia. She was asking me if I wanted to hang out with them. I look at the clock, it was five in the evening and I don't know when P'Tae will be home. He even mentioned not coming home at all. With nothing else to do, I replied yes. She sent me the details of the place where we are supposed to meet.

I got ready within fifteen minutes and was ready to go out and have some fun night with my friends when suddenly the door opened with super excited looking P'Tae.

When he laid his eyes on me, he locked the door behind him, dropped his bag on the floor, sprinted towards me and kissed me hard.

I climbed up on his body wrapping my legs around his waist and hands around his neck. God only knows how much I missed kissing him like this. I was craving for his touch.

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