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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

A/N: Sorry for the delay. I fell really sick that's why I couldn't update. Updates will be regular from now now(unless I fell sick again, lol)

Tae's POV

It was horrifying. The way Tee was hitting Dan, it was a really horrific scene to see. If me and others wouldn't have reached the scene on time then Tee would have ended up killing fake Dan, aka KImmon.

I don't know where Tee gained this much strength to take down a man alone when he himself is so weak and fragile at the moment. But somehow I was glad that he did. If Tee wouldn't have done anything to protect himself then he could have gone into severe depression after this.

I knew this plan would work and it will help Tee to move on from his shock. Tee was finally uttering words from his mouth, he was speaking.He finally spoke after I don't know how many weeks.

Well, I can be happy about it later but first Godt needed to treat fake Dan, who was taken inside the room by Copter and take care of Tee as well. I hope Kimmon is not badly hurt.

I was still holding Tee tightly and was trying to calm him down when we heard another voice and it was Dan?


Then who is inside the room getting treated by Godt?

I can see the shock evident on everyone's face, including Tee. Before anyone had any time to react, Tee's body went limp in my arms.

"Well... who the hell are you?" I asked another Dan and carried Tee to the sofa nearby. After lying Tee carefully down. I was going towards another Dan when Copter came out from the room where Godt was with him, he was furious for some reason.

"THAT DAN INSIDE IS NOT MY MAN!!" Copter yelled so hard that it made even Tee flinch in his state of unconsciousness.

"Wha... then who is he??!!" Before Copter could reply, Kim took his mask off and showed his true self.

We all were in super shock now.

"S-so, it means, that person inside..."

"Is the real Dan and I AM GOING TO KILL THAT MOTHERFUKER!!!" I was furious, I didn't notice it earlier but when I picked Tee up to put him on the sofa, I noticed the condition of his clothes. His zipper was open and it's not a genius work to figure out what Dan must have done with Tee.

"DO NOT FUCKING TREAT HIM!!" I barged inside the room and picked that monster up. I kicked him in the gut two times even though he was unconscious, I am somewhat proud that Tee has managed to harm his body this much.

"Tae. control yourself!! Even though this is real Dan, he still is a human and I don't want you get jailed in the accusation of murder!!" Godt took the real Dan away from me and kicked me outside the room. He locked it after giving me a glare.

I know, being a doctor we have to treat each and every patient equally but for some reason I wanted this guy dead. He didn't deserve to be called a human.

"Uugghh." Tee's whimpering voice broke me away from my thought of killing Dan. I was so furious that I totally forgot about him. I am so stupid!!

Leaving everything aside, I started examining Tee. He didn't get any serious injuries, there were just a few bruises here and there. I honestly was getting more furious as I was examining him. I wish I could kill him or better torture him.

Wait!! I know who will be fit for this role.

I smirked mentally and decided to get in contact with that person as soon as possible. I cannot let this monster and other two roam freely while my Tee has been suffering like this.

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