16. Acceptance

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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

Tee's POV

"P'Tae." I said in a sleepy tone.

"Yes baby."

"I love you P'Tae..don't leave me ever." 

When I realised what I just said, I shut my eyes tightly and acted like I was in a deep sleep.

 "Tee..baby..what did you say?" He patted my cheek slowly to wake me up, but I didn't open my eyes.

I can feel his embrace tighten on my body , he gets up from the sofa, puts me on bed, laid beside me and cuddled me. I know P'Tae was thinking that I had fallen asleep but honestly I couldn't sleep the whole night thinking about my confession.

I don't know how I will face him in the morning. Maybe I should tease him a bit, after all he has kept me away from him for ten days.

Morning came and I woke up a little bit late. I heard noises coming from the kitchen so I walked towards the kitchen. I hid myself behind the door, everyone was already sitting on the dining table, enjoying their meal. They were talking about my confession from last night, so I chose to listen to them for a while.

"He said right before he fell asleep, I am still not sure I heard it right though.I couldn't sleep the whole night thinking about it.I am not ever sure he remembered saying it."P'Tae said in a sad tone.

"Remember saying what phi?" I decided to make an entry now.

They all looked at me, everyone was looking at me with their mouths wide open.

Why are they looking at me like this?

P'Tae ran towards me and pulled me out of the kitchen. He asked me to freshen up and then come out. I did my daily routine, got ready and walked towards the kitchen again. I sat near P'Tae and acted normal. Copter invited me to his bachelor party. I can sense phi's gloomy face, I know he must be thinking that I have forgotten about my confession.

I asked him again "So P'Tae what were you saying earlier?? About remembering something??" 

"Umm..it's..you..do you..remember what you said to me last night..be..before falling asleep?" he said nervously.

I shook my head saying no.  

"It's okay...it's nothing important. Now finish your food and help your friend to prepare for his party." he said, giving a peck on my forehead.

He became sad after my answer. His head was hung low and he was playing with his food.

That's it I can't tease him anymore.

"I love you P'Tae." I said.

He looked at me in shock, he looked at others and they were shocked too.

"Wha...what did you say baby??" 

"I..I said that I...love..you." I said shyly and buried my face on his chest.

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