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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

Tee's POV

I woke up getting startled with the nightmare of that monster. As if Iris's beating and Peak's threatening was enough for me to have sleepless nights, now I have one more addition in the list.

I know I will be having nightmares occasionally now. The thing that Dan almost did to me last night was enough to break my heart and soul into a billion pieces. I am not even sure if I will be able to mend my broken heart and soul back now.

I looked around and realized that I was not in my room or bed. It was someone's else's apartment. I was about to have a panic attack thinking that Dan might have transported me to some isolated place and hurt me again but the picture on the nightstand helped me to relax.

It was he picture of P'Tae with some women who were a bit older than him. They look a lot alike, I think it was P'Tae's mom. Just the thought of being surrounded by someone who cares for you is enough for my racing heart to calm down.

I decided to leave the bed and go through with my morning routine, but before I could leave my bed someone entered the room.

"Oh, you are up. How are you feeling Tee?" It was P'Tae. I don't know why but his mere voice was enough to give me the feeling of security and made me relax.

"Do you need something?" He asked again. I tried to reply to him but I couldn't manage to utter a single word from my mouth. My body was not giving me permission to talk. I was feeling like if I'll talk then I will break for sure.

"Umm, can you speak nong?" P'Tae was now getting worried from my lack of response. I wanted to tell him not to worry about me but I just couldn't.

He took a deep breath and came near me."If it is okay and you are comfortable enough then can I touch you please?" He asked with a worried expression all over his face.

I nodded in response.

He hesitated a bit at first but then he grabbed my hand and started checking my pulse. He then examined me some more like how a real doctor does.

"I know I haven't told you yet, but I am a doctor. So you don't have to worry about anything." This fact about him was a bit shocking to me. When I met him I thought he might be a model or something but I was so wrong. My eyes were wide open after his revelation.

"I know you are shocked to hear about my profession but I am indeed a doctor, a very good one too. I am very knowledgeable in my field and thanks to my looks, there is always a huge line of patients for me to look at." He said, chuckling and shaking his head a bit.

Unknowingly a small smile crept on my face too.

P'Tae was about to say something more when the door of the room opened and before I could react or think, I was engulfed in the hug. I didn't have to see the face to know who was hugging me, it was my best friend Copter. I started crying silently in his embrace, he whispered sweet things to me which helped me to calm down.

"You are safe now Tee. Now no one will be able to lay a finger on you, that's my promise to you." He then wiped my tear stained cheek and gave a gentle peck on my forehead.

I looked around and noticed P'Kim was also standing there with worry and care in his eyes for me. I have met him only once at the hospital so I really don't know what kind of person he is. But if he has managed to win the heart of my best friend then I am sure he is one hell of a good guy because it is not easy to win Copter's heart.

P'Tae was standing and saying something to P'Kim when there was a loud footsteps which seemed like someone was running and soon that person entered inside the room with a tall figure following him.

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