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 Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

A/N: While rewriting the chapters I realized that I used to suck at writing, lol.

Tee's POV

"Will you go on a date with me?" Jay's words were a bit shocking. Yes we have become good friends for the past few weeks but I don't see that way. Even though he is super good looking and all, but still.

"WHAT?!! What are you saying Jay? How can? When... but wait, aren't you straight?!" I was at a loss for words. I honestly don't know if he indeed is straight but I assumed that he would be.

Jay didn't say anything for a few seconds. He was just standing and giving me a blank expression. I thought I might have hurt him by indirectly rejecting him, I should have said no to him some other way.

I looked at P'Tae and as expected, he was shooting lasers with eyes in Jay's direction. I chuckled a bit at his behaviour.

Jay was having no effect on him though, he was just standing and saying nothing. After I don't know how long we remained silent, Jay started laughing his ass off.

"Hahahahahahaha... Just look at your face Tee... Oh my God!! Hahahahahahaha. I... I was just joking bro. I do like you, but only as a friend. I was just teasing you buddy." He was literally rolling on the floor while saying this.

I was getting the urge to strangle him right here and right now. He almost gave me another heart attack.

"What the hell Jay!! You nearly gave me a heart attack." I started hitting him while sitting on top of him since Jay was rolling on the floor.

"Ouch!Ouch!Ouch!! Do you want to kill me or what? I am sorry , okay. You don't have to worry about losing your nong." He said looking at P'Tae.

I think I heard P'Tae growling.

"Umm... okay then I'll go now, you guys enjoy it. Once again sorry Tee for my stupid joke ." Jay gave me a quick hug. He tried to shake hands with P'Tae but one look from him was enough to make Jay run like a scared dog with a tail stuck between his legs. It was funny.

"Error...P'Tae..are you mad?" I asked him hesitatingly after Jay left. I know he was angry and to be honest, I was also a bit scared.

"No, why would I be? As I told you that you have full right to make your life decision. I will not force you with anything Tee." I know he was saying this for my sake but the reality was different. I was trying to figure out my real feelings for him too.

Also, I was happy that he finally talked to me, after two days.

It was getting late and now was time to sleep. After putting everyone in their respective rooms, we went to ours.I glanced at P'Tae one last time, I wanted to hug him so badly, but I must restrain myself. I still have to figure out whether I do I like him for real or I have become habitual of him.

It's been more than four days without him, ten more days to go. Will I be able to live without him for so many days? For now Bas is cuddling me to sleep, I guess I got used to sleeping like this, but it wasn't as effective as P'Tae's cuddle.

Copter suggested that I go out on a date with guys or girls,whatever I prefer. I decided to go on a date with a guy,his name was Mark. Copter introduced me to him, he was a friend of one of Copter's colleagues.

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