21. True Friends

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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

Patrick's POV

I was laying on the bed thinking about Patty.  I don't know how to make her realise my feelings for her. I have been in love with her for so long. It's not like I have never tried to make a move, I have done it so many times but Patty being Patty, she never understood it.


I was lost in my thoughts about Patty when I heard a scream. The scream was coming from none other than Tee's room.

As soon as I heard it, I jumped from my bed and sprinted towards his room. The door of his room was unlocked which he mentioned earlier when he was explaining about his health condition. Just in case of an emergency, we were allowed to go to his room.

I thought Tee was awake and someone had managed to break in but I was so wrong. He was sleeping and screaming. He was having a nightmare, which was very bad. He was sweating profusely and was shivering too.

I went towards his bed and started shaking his body gently but it was futile. I was busy tees up when Patty came running inside his room too.

"What happened?!!" I can see the worry in her. I was super worried too. He should have told us about his nightmares too. I was panicking, I didn't know what to do.

"Nightmare." That's all that I said.

"Just try holding him and whisper something to him which will make him believe that whatever he is seeing is just a dream. Do it fast!" She explained fastly.

I embraced Tee in my arms. His body was rigid and cold.

"Tee… Tee, wake up. It's okay. You are not alone. Whatever you are seeing right now is not a reality. You are safe and sound. You are with your P'Tae now and remember how much he loves and cares for you. He won't let anything happen to you Tee. Just believe in him." I don't know what I was saying. Whatever I thought was best at that moment, I said to him.

Soon his breathing became normal and he stopped shivering. His face was relaxed now and his body became loose. He was back to normal now but I was scared to leave him alone. What if he again has aj nightmare?

"I think one of us should sleep on his bed with him. Now I understand why he can't fall asleep without cuddling. He needs someone beside him when he is sleeping to make sure he is safe. I don't know what happened in the past in his life but it was super bad." Patty was now sitting on the bed too and was stroking Tee's hair gently. She was still looking worried.

"You are right Patty. If you want then you can sleep here with him." I suggested.

"You know what. This bed is huge, we all three can sleep here. Tee will be in the middle and we will sleep on either side of him. In that way he will feel safe. What do you say?"

It was a great idea. I just hope Tee won't freak out when he wakes up in the morning. So I just nodded in agreement.

"Cool." She said and scooted a bit away. I laid Tee down gently on the bed.

"I think one of us should wipe his body with a wet cloth and change his night clothes too, they're wet from the sweat." I suggested. I know it's not a good thing to change someone's clothes without their consent but the condition Tee was in, I had no other option. He could fall sick if he sleeps like this.

So gently I removed his shirt meanwhile Patty brought water in a bowl and a small towel. We only had to wipe his upper body. So we did it as fast as we could and changed him into a fresh nightshirt.

After that we both laid down on the bed with Yee in the middle and us on either side. The blanket was big enough to cover all three of us comfortably. It made me wonder why these two need a big bed like this? I mean when these two cuddle sleep, why the huge bed?

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