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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.


Copter's POV

After ending my call I started thinking about Tee again. I ask God not to disclose anything about him to any of his family members or friends. I want to find out everything on my own and I know asking him directly won't be of any use.

Unfortunately I have to go out of the country for some work and meet Kim's brother also. Why do I have to go now when Tee needs me the most? Well it's only for two weeks, I am sure he'll recover almost fully when I get back.

"Baby, are you thinking about nong Tee??"

"Yes P'Kim, am gonna do something to save him from that witch/bitch whatever she is." I said with full anger.

"Relax babe, will figure out something as soon as we come back from our trip, okay."

"Yes Phi, I love you."

"Awww.. I love you too baby."

Next morning we left for our trip, all I was praying for was Tee's happiness and his safety.

Tee's POV

After getting discharged from the hospital I went to my home with mom, Iris also came with us.

What is she planning now??

I spent a whole one and half week with my parents and I was granted leave from the office for three weeks. I was almost healed by the 2nd week, thanks to my parents effort and care but most important was love. Love which was lacking from my life for the past six months.

My mom has to go out of the city to attend a few important meetings which she was holding for two weeks because of me. My dad was already out of the country for the last two days and I don't know when he will be back.

Iris convinced my mom to bring me back to our apartment or I should say my hell. I didn't really want to go but I had no choice but to obey her. After my mom left we also went back to the hell..

Three days passed but Iris did nothing to me, no hitting, no yelling...nothing. It was good but also very odd though. Most of the time either she was at college or with Peak in his dorm. Well good enough for me I was enjoying my time alone , no distraction, nothing at all.


"Hmm.. who could it be? Iris has keys , she won't ring the bell for sure." I said to myself and went towards the front door.

As soon as I opened the door I was stunned, standing at my door was some model? Greek God? I don't know what to say, but he was a tall, tanned, lean figure with some muscles, in short he was so freaking handsome.

I started having doubts about my sexuality at that moment, I am straight for sure, so why was I so awestruck by this man?

Am I dreaming?

I looked at him more closely. He has black hair, deep brown eyes, thick brows, that amazing gummy smile, strong muscular arms, tanned skin, I am pretty sure he has abs too.

"Like what you see?" Greek God.. I mean that handsome guy teased me, when he noticed me ogling at him.

"Huh!!..wha...yes..no..I mean who are you and why are you here?" I blushed with embarrassment, making him chuckle a bit.

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