23. Heartbreak

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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

A/n: Y'all , I am still super hyper about TaeTee series!!! What about you guy?!!

Tee's POV

It's been almost half a year since I moved with P'Tae here. My first semester is over and now I am on break, which means no college for almost two weeks.

My family from Thailand was here. Family in the sense of my friends. Cop, Kim, Bas and Godt. They  all decided to spend my vacations with me which I was really excited about. I am sure they'll love Patrick and Patricia too.

Talking about Patrick and Patricia, these two are not on good terms. That thing is that, almost two months ago Patrick went on a date with a girl and they kind of hit off. Now they are dating and happy with each other.

I know you must be wondering why and how. So what happened is that Patrick kind of got tired of waiting for Patricia to reciprocate his feelings. When she didn't make any move despite getting countless signals from Patrick, he decided to finally move on.

So now Patrick is dating this girl from our class. She is really nice and sweet so I was also happy that Patrick finally got someone who is giving the love he deserves.

We decided to go camping today. Everyone was ready and now was waiting for P'Tae to show up. He went to work and promised to come back before it was the time to leave. But he was running half an hour late now, which was not helping me with my anxiety.

"Relax Tee, he'll be fine. I am sure he must have got stuck in work or something like that."  Copter being the most caring friend, tried to console me but it wasn't helping. As the minutes passed by my anxiety kept increasing.

What if something bad happened to him? What if he got into an accident? Or kidnapped? Or mugged? Or got killed by Dan?!!

Oh my God!! What the hell am I thinking? My P'Tae will be fine. But what if my suspicions are correct? How am I going to live without him? I will once again be all alone in the world with no one to care about me. No matter how hard I tried to fight the negative thoughts , they kept coming back.

Even though I have my parents and friends with me but still they cannot give me the love and care like P'Tae is giving me. I cannot even think about living a day without him. I cannot live alone and if something did happen to him then I will also kill myself. Yes, that's what I will do.

"Oh God! Tee please calm down. You are hyperventilating and you know worrying too much is not good for your heart." I think it was Godt's voice. I was far too gone from thinking or hearing anything else. I needed my P'Tae with me!!

"Kim, please try calling Tae again. Tee might go into a panic attack if He won't hear about his P'Tae soon. You know how bad it will affect his health."

I wasn't in the condition to intercept who was talking. My mind was full of worries. I can feel my heart rate increasing and my breathing becoming uneven. My palms were getting sweaty and my vision was blurry. I know I was on the verge of going into a massive panic attack.


Someone was yelling and cursing P'Tae. I wanted to tell them not to curse him because it's not P'Tae's fault that I am in this condition, it's my fault for being so weak and making everyone worry. I am weak not only physically but emotionally too.

"What's happening?" It was the voice of the person that I wanted to hear the most.  Just hearing his voice was enough to calm me down.


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