15. Confession

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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

A/n: Yo guy's am back. 🤗

Tae's POV

I got really scared that day when Jay, out of joke, asked Tee to date him. I thought Tee might say yes to him.I mean Jay is a good person and anyone will be lucky to have him as their lover.I honestly thought that I would lose Tee that day. But thank God he was just joking, I sent my thanks to God a thousand times that day.

It was not easy for me to be away from Tee that long. Even though I have known him for hardly a month or two , I feel like I have known that person for my whole life. I was wishing these two weeks would get over soon and Tee would give me a positive answer. I had to control myself so hard not to pull him into my embrace whenever I saw him.

Thankfully ten days have already passed and now only two days are left. I was happy that Tee was following my advice. I heard from Copter that he went on a date with a guy for a few days but he wasn't able to move ahead with him. Copter didn't tell me the reason though but I am hoping that reason to be me.

When Tee will eventually figure out his feelings for me, I am planning to confess to him. I can’t wait for that day to come.

It was evening, I was at the hospital with Godt assisting him in work. Suddenly I received a call from Copter.


"P'Tae… where are you?" he sounded worried. I hope Tee is fine.

"I am at the hospital with Godt, what happened? Is Tee okay?"

"No phi… he is not.I  called him earlier , some strange guy picked up his phone and said that Tee was crying and mumbling some weird thing. I am really worried for him, P'Tae." This is not what I expected him to reply. I am worried for Tee now.

"Where is he?"

"He is near your hospital only, that's why I call you. I thought that you might be at the hospital.” After that he sent me Tee's location.

I cut the call and ran as fast as I could. I hop in my car and drive towards said location. I was driving like crazy, I reached there within five mins.  I started searching for the place where Tee location was showing. That area was far from the park, it was a narrow alley. What was Tee doing here? 

I started looking around but I couldn't find him. So I started shouting his name.

"Tee… where are you?!! TEE!!”

He came out from his hiding place. He was looking scared and was still crying. As soon as he saw me he ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

"P'Tae… Dan… he was here… he tried to harm me… Iris is also coming to beat me… please save me P'Tae."  I can see how terrified Tee was. 

Did he really have an encounter with Dan? But he is in jail then how?

 "Tee, Dan and Iris are in prison, how can…” I was about to finish explaining but Tee was out of it. He was in no condition to hear or understand anything.

I decided to bring him to our house, I can't leave him alone in this condition. I don’t give a damn about the remaining two days now. I called Godt and asked him to pick us up since Tee wasn’t letting me go.

I guess I shouldn’t have kept him away from me. I am the only person he feels more secure with. Now he is scared that I will ask him to live away from me again.

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