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  Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

Tae's POV

"I am sorry but I can't. You were right, we need a break." Saying these words was the hardest thing for me to do but it is what is needed in the current situation.

"But...I am sorry... I know I overreacted...please forgive me phi...please." Tee was begging with eyes filled with tears. It was killing me to see him like this but I have to do this for us. I want him to clear his mind about me first.

"Copter, please take him away from here. Please." I asked him. He hesitated a bit first but finally understood the reason for doing this.

"And one more thing Copter, I have asked Kim to submit the evidence to police tomorrow so that they can start their investigation and take proper measures." He gave a nod.

"P'Tae... can I ask... why?" I can see the confusion in everyone's eyes. They must be wondering why I was being so hard on Tee.

"It's because I don't deserve you Tee and I don't think that you feel anything for me. You think that you like me because I was there with you when you needed someone. But in reality, you have just become habitual of me. I am just giving you time to think properly." I said while grabbing his hand.

I have been thinking about this for a while now. Yeah we have kissed multiple times and we cuddle while sleeping but it doesn't prove that Tee also feels the same way as I do. What if he meets someone else and actually falls for that person?

"It's not like I hate you or something, I am just giving you time for yourself. You have your whole life ahead of you Tee and I don't want you to make any decision which you might regret later." I said while hugging him.

"But..phi..I.." he tried to say something but I stopped him in mid.

"No Tee, listen to me. Tell me first... do you like me? Like as in really like me? As a man who can become your lover or maybe life partner in future? Give me your answer honestly." I said while looking into his eyes.

He neither said yes nor no, he was in deep thought.

"See? You don't know what you feel about me and trust me Tee, you know nothing about me yet. One day I'll tell you everything, when I think that you are ready and will accept me the way I am." I said.

"Now Copter... can you take Tee with you? " he nodded and signaled Tee to go with him.

"P'Tae..." Tee said while grabbing my hand.

"It's okay Tee.I am not going anywhere, I am here only. I am just giving you some time. Now please go." I said while hugging him again giving peck on his forehead.

I know it will be difficult for us, but I don't want to confuse Tee's feelings. We need some time away from each other and let him make his decision. I will accept it whatever it will be, all I want is to see him happy.

Before leaving my room he looked at me one last time and left with Copter. Kim decided to stay with us for a while, I guess he was giving some alone time to Tee and Copter.

We all went to the living room and sat there.

"So Godt what happened to P'Tae and Bas, how come you are here?" Kim asked.

"He fainted due to high emotional stress. Watching Tee leaving made him like this but don't worry he is fine now." Explained Godt.

"I was coming here to meet P'Tae but when I entered inside I saw that P'Tae was laid unconscious in aunty's arms, that's when I called P'Godt." Bas told us.

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