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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

*PTSD= Posttraumatic stress disorder.

A/N: Previous comments have been pushed down due to the edit.

After a few weeks

Tae's POV



"Hello Tae.. It's me. I am back in town, I'll visit you in the evening."

That's all he said and cut the call. I know he must have already found out the reason for my call. Nothing can escape from his eyes. He has the ability to find out the whereabouts of people even if they are living in the middle of nowhere.

"Umm... P'Tae, who were you talking to? Your face is kind of serious." Tee said while getting ready to go to work. Yeah, my cuTee was perfectly cured now, physically and mentally as well. We thought it would be a great idea if he will start going to work again. He needs fresh air after all.

"I was talking to Godt, I have to go to his hospital tonight to assist him in surgery. I will be back a bit late tonight, so don't wait for me, okay." I lied.

"Okay, phi..but please try to be back soon." He pouted. I just love when he does this, it makes me want to kiss him.

"I will cuTee. By the way, have fun at work."

"Yes phi I will."

"Let's go, I'll drive you to work and Copter will come and pick you up." I picked the keys up and locked the door behind us.

After Tee was fully healed, I moved in with him in our new apartment. Before I wanted Tee to live at my house with my parents but since my parents are out most of the time we all decided that it will be best if we live together.

I was in heaven for sure.

"We are here, see you later at night baby. And please take care of yourself, if you have any problem then don't hesitate to call me, okay." I said while giving peck on his forehead.

"I will phi." he said, nearly blushing and getting out of the car.

I grabbed his hand and said teasingly ,"Wait Tee, where is my kiss?" I teased him.

"Umm..phi..wha..okay." he pecked my cheek and ran away.

So adorable.

I didn't realize when I developed this habit of giving him a peck on his forehead everytime I leave him somewhere or I go out. Since Tee didn't protest too I thought it would be a good way to get close to him.

I shook my head and drove away from there. I have nothing to do so I decided to visit my parents and tell them about Tee. I called mom just to make sure she could meet me.

"Hello mom, where are you?"

"I am in the city due to some work, I was thinking of calling you. Since I am here I thought why don't I meet you and your beloved Tee." she said while chuckling a bit.

"Oh God please,not you too mom." I said, whining a bit.

"Okay, okay I won't tease you, so where can I meet you? Please bring Tee too." she said.

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