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lunar vacation

How could they have possibly gotten into this mess? Oh, right — Victor had told Y/N that he had been feeling left out and wanted to leave; and so like any good friend would, they went with him.

When they had left Miss Peregrine's loop they were more than relieved, not at all expecting to be in the situation they were now.

In that current moment, they were running from a Hollowghast. Victor, who was fortunately the faster of the two had opted to carry Y/N as they ran. The both of them were petrified, practically shaking in their boots as they made it to a small creek in the forest.

"Victor, what are we going to do? It's getting closer!" Y/N sobbed, trying to hold back tears.

"We just have to cross the lake! Hollowghasts don't like water!" Victor reassured, though not entirely certain what he said was true.

Victor quickly put Y/N down as they trudged through the water as quickly as they could, Victor's long dress pants getting soaked in the process.

Y/N had peeked behind them to see how close the Hollowghast which was covered in mud had gotten, however, it was gone.

"Vic, did you see where it went?" they asked, breath shaky and distressed, "Victor? Where are you?"

Y/N turned to where Victor should have been, he was gone too. 'He's going to give me a heart attack' they thought, calling his name again.

"Y/N!" Victor yelled, his voice dry yet as crisp as could be. Y/N turned to their left, where a little ways a way, Victor was floating in the air. They sprinted so quickly towards him; that they would give even Miss Peregrine in bird form a run for her money.

"Victor!" Y/N screamed, voice breaking as they attempted to use their peculiarity to save him.

It was silent for a moment before Y/N froze Victor and the Hollowghast, as well as everything around them. Throwing dirt just next to Victor to see the Hollowghast, they attempted to grab Vic's hand.

As they jumped up, the Hollowghast had become one with time again and harshly pulled Victor near it's face. The disgusting thing used it's tentacles to maneuver Victor's eyes out of their sockets, slurping them up greedily.

Y/N let out a blood-curdling scream as the Hollowghast jumped away into the distance. It only wanted Victor, Y/N was useless to it.

"Somebody! Anybody! Please, please help!" They belted, tears flooding their vision.

"I'm so sorry Victor, I should've been watching you. If I could control my stupid time bending peculiarity, you'd still be alive." They choked out, pulling his body from the ground and hugging him to their chest.

They carried him the best they could back to the children's home. When they arrived they banged on the door with their boots, cradling Victor as if he would break.

"Miss Peregrine!" they screamed, tears leaking from the corners of their eyes.

The woman opened the doors of the house and gasped, ripping Victor from Y/N's arms.
"What have you done?" she bellowed, holding Victor's now deceased body tightly.

"Miss Peregrine, I tried to save him! I really did, I should have told him that leaving the loop was a stupid idea. I'm so sorry" they bawled, falling to the floor in a state of shock.

Alma Peregrine watched as her stopwatch child cried out for Victor to come back to them, beginning to tear up herself.

She approached Y/N carefully, gently placing Victor next to them as she wrapped her arms around the adolescent.

"I'm so incredibly sorry for yelling my dear, it wasn't your fault." The falcon whispered, crying with them.

"Please don't go, Victor" Y/N pleaded, face stained by salty tears. They let their eyes close as they hugged Victor's body close to them once more, silently saying goodbye to their beloved friend.

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | VICTOR BRUNTLEY ✔️Where stories live. Discover now