---- ACT IX

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📰LOVER ˎˊ˗
taylor swift

It wasn't easy for Miss Peregrine to see one of her children working themself to the bone; so much so that they barely remembered to feed themself.

Y/N was one of the most determined children she'd ever seen. They would risk their own well-being to get Victor back.

The teen had been putting their blood, sweat, and tears into this.

Not once had they done anything else with their extra time since they realised they could be the one to save Victor.

"Y/N, dear," Alma called from the back step "make sure you take a break soon, okay? I understand how you feel but Victor would still want you to take care of yourself."

Y/N didn't understand, why was she talking to them as if he wasn't coming back?

"Don't say it like that!" Y/N's voice cracked as they shouted.

"Stop speaking as if I won't be able to save him! I'm going to bring him back!"

Miss Peregrine's gaze softened into a look of pity as she smiled sadly at them.

"We don't know for sure if-"

"I do!" Y/N interrupted, "Do you not have any faith in me at all?"

I'll get him back, why can't she just believe in me for once?

Y/N teared up slightly, they couldn't help it; if they were going to get their friend back then they needed to know that Miss Peregrine was hopeful that they would.

"I think I need to be by myself for a little while."
Y/N told their parental figure, beginning to walk away towards the large pond in front of the children's home.

Y/N sat in an old rowboat that was docked at a small jetty extended out onto the pond.

Maybe I could go back now to one of the times Victor and I used this boat, Y/N thought to themself.

As they had many times this past week, they extended their arms out and upward forming a cross while thinking about said memory.

Entering the portal, they felt dizzy. Odd, I'm never usually dizzy going through here. Continuing forward, they started to see the other side of their memory.

"Hurry up, Y/N!"

Victor.. just hearing his voice sent jolts of electricity through their body.

"I'm coming, Victor" Y/N smiled towards the brunette, the tall boy matching their gaze.

The two adolescents entered the rowboat, Victor untying the thick rope that it was docked to the jetty with.

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | VICTOR BRUNTLEY ✔️Where stories live. Discover now