---- ACT VI

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✎↷: —— ❤︎ ˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚

ricky montgomery

The cold wind whipped through Y/N's clothes. Sighing, they looked upon icy waters.

They ran out past curfew — just to see the ocean. Y/N sat there thinking about the memories they'd shared with Victor.

Why couldn't I save him?

It was always the same blank response. They knew why. Yet the guilt of having to sit and watch as their friend's eyes were disgustingly removed from their sockets chewed them up — from the inside out.

"Miss L/N, what are you doing out here this late?" The falcon questioned as she approached them from behind.

"Sorry Miss Peregrine.. I was just thinking. You know, about how I can control my peculiarity."

"What do you mean dear? From what I've seen you can control it perfectly well." Miss Peregrine furrowed her brows, clearly confused.

"No, I can't control it well. Not the other aspect of it anyway." Y/N inhaled sharply.

"Other aspect? Child, I thought you were an ymbryne."

"You did? Really? Well, I suppose my gift isn't particularly far from what an ymbryne can do."

The two sat there for a moment in silence, although not uncomfortable. Pondering over what each other had said.

"What can you do then?" Miss Peregrine asked the younger.

"Like an ymbryne, I can create a kind of loop. Although — it is an alternate reality, a copy of this one. I then go back in time and can change a series of events that will then also be changed in our true reality." Y/N explained to the bird, whose eyes widened in shock.

"So you don't preserve time, rather you actually go back in time? Interesting. How far back can you go?" The older women asked, curious.

"I-I'm not sure, Miss. I've only done it once as a child, the closest thing I've done is freezing but a second of time."

The bird-like woman looked at the adolescent in admiration. She was silent for a moment before her eyes lit up and she spoke.

"If you could use that ability — could you go back and save Victor?" She asked.

Y/N's eyes filled with tears, they racked their brain trying to figure out why they hadn't tried that before now.

"If I can figure out how it works again, with simple every day events such as daily chores" Y/N gasped, tears finally spilling "I think I may have a shot at saving Victor."

Miss Peregrine jumped from her place on the ground, pulling the stopwatch child up with her.

"We must tell the other elder children! Quickly now, before they're asleep!"

Y/N ran along behind the woman, not having a choice considering they were being dragged by her.
They hadn't seen Miss Peregrine so happy in a while, it was nice.

Earlier that day, Y/N had woken up in Victor's room on the floor. They had a sore back they'd admit, but it was worth it.

They missed when the two of them would go and sleep in the living room together. Victor would teach them piano before bed, then they'd make Horace project one of his dreams for them.

Those days were easier, happier.

Just as they sat on the edge of Victor's bed, grabbing his hand — Miss Peregrine had walked in the door.

"Y/N, I thought I told you that Victor's room is strictly prohibited."

"It's not fair Miss Peregrine!" the teen started to tear up, "He was taken so early from us! He was my best friend and although he's not with us anymore I want to keep seeing him."

Alma looked at the child, realising that taking away Y/N's visits was cruel to do. She walked up to them, hugging the adolescent.

"I'm sorry dear, you may visit him whenever your heart desires."

"Hey Victor.. I have a plan to save you. I'm going to try — No! I'm going to save you. I'm determined." Y/N told the boy, rubbing their thumb on the back of his hand.

"It's going to work, I'm going to practice with it very hard and soon you'll be back with us. You'll be back with me."

A/N: uhh heyyyyy hahahahah so yeah i'm back, i have an english assignment and i'm allowed to submit this fanfic for it so here i am!! it's due tomorrow so expect like 13 more chapters within the next 24/48 hours JDNCNC

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | VICTOR BRUNTLEY ✔️Where stories live. Discover now