---- ACT VII

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winter aid

"I don't understand why I can't do it," Y/N huffed in frustration "it shouldn't be this hard."

"Settle down, Y/N. Getting worked up will only guarantee that you have to keep restarting the process." Miss Peregrine soothed, they had been working for days to try and perfect this trick.

Y/N was starting to get frustrated. Being exhausted as well as knowing that their friend's life was in their hands was daunting.

Taking a deep breath, Y/N raised their arms, extending their right one, into a cross like symbol for the hundredth time that day.

They tried to focus, narrowing their eyes as the lump in their throat only grew.

"Think of a memory you cherish and remember it well," the falcon repeated like she had so many times earlier.

Doing as Miss Peregrine had instructed, Y/N remembered.

They remembered how softly Victor held the paint brush. They remembered the light strokes of rainwashed green being traced onto the canvas. They remembered how Victor would glance at them every now and then — making sure he captured every fine detail.

"Yes! That's it!" Alma shouted to nobody in particular.

A black hole-like portal opened itself in front of Y/N, that being how they'd enter the memory.

With a sigh of grievance, Y/N entered the black abyss — hoping to gods that this would work.


Victor's voice.

Blinking a few times, Y/N looked away from the wall they found themself staring at.

"Sorry, what were you saying Vic?" They inquired, they thought it'd be better to act as if they hadn't just travelled back in time.

This was hard to do as all they wanted to do was cry into Victor's arms.

"I was just asking if you wanted to take a break? I already told you that I practically know your gorgeous face by heart."

Now that was unexpected. Y/N felt their face heating up, they looked slowly over to him.

"Sorry?" They squeaked, almost sounding like a dog toy that had been chewed so often the voice box was practically suffocating.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N! I didn't mean to say that! I mean you are gorgeous, don't get me wrong but er.." Victor fumbled over his words, quite clearly embarrassed.

Y/N admired the boy's flustered face, smiling smugly.

"Got you wrapped around my finger, eh?" They taunted.

"No! I mean yes — but no! Well.. Hey! You tricked me, this was a trap all along wasn't it?" Victor whined, looking liked a kicked puppy.

"Oh settle petal," they chided slowly realising that they sounded like their grandmother "I'm just teasing you. Of course it wasn't a trap, I wanted to help with your port.. portfioli?"

Now it was Victor's turn to have a laugh.
"Portfolio," he corrected "nice try though."

Y/N pouted, grumbling sulkily.

Victor smiled fondly, admiring his friend's face. The brush he was using being smoothly dragged across his current canvas, blending the colors together neatly.

Y/N noticed this, but didn't care to say anything. They would refuse to ruin this moment when they had waited so long to see his smile again.

They needed something to show whether it would work or not. Suddenly they realised that the exact picture Victor was painting was hanging up in their room in the present.

I could ask if I could pick the color for his signature, they thought, that way I'll know for sure.

Perfect timing too, Victor was seemingly about to sign his artwork.

"Ah, Vic?" Y/N called

"Yes, Y/N? What's the problem?" he questioned raising one brow.

"Uh, you should do your signature in sap green! That way it won't take peoples' eyes away from your talent!" They enthused, silently thinking that was an amazing excuse.

"I guess you're right?" Victor replied.

Though he wasn't too fussed about that sort of thing, he took Y/N's words to heart and did as they'd asked.

"I'm going to go to bed now," Victor smiled at his friend "see you in the morning Y/N. Sleep well."

"You too, Victor."

I guess it's time for me to leave then.

Repeating what they had done to open the portal, they crossed their arms reopening it and stepping through.

"I think I'm going to puke." Y/N stated, falling onto the ground in a dizzy spell.

"Well?" Miss Peregrine piped up, desperate to hear any kind of news.

"I just need to check that painting Victor did of me," Y/N stood up regaining their composure "then we'll know for sure if it worked."

The adolescent and the older woman headed inside and up the slightly narrow staircase, walking towards Y/N's bedroom.

Opening the door to the left of Victor's room with the oak wood finish, Y/N sighed.

They walked over to the mentioned painting and gently plucked it from the wall. They gripped the edges tightly as they slowly turned it over to check the signature.

There it was, 'Victor. B' clear as day in shade sap green.

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | VICTOR BRUNTLEY ✔️Where stories live. Discover now