---- ACT I

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✎↷: —— ❤︎ ˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚

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✎↷: —— ❤︎ ˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚

patrick watson

They missed him dearly — they all did. After news had gotten around the house of Victor's passing, everyone was quiet.

It was so silent throughout the house that crickets could be heard from outside.

Y/N felt horrible. They'd ran to their room, locking the door and curling up in the corner of their bed. Miss Peregrine had told them over and over again that it wasn't their fault; yet somehow, they still felt it was.

Tears rushed down their face, how could they ever face everyone again? How could they face Bronwyn? Surely Bronwyn hated them now, afterall they caused her brother's death did they not?

Downstairs in the living room, Bronwyn was crying into Miss Peregrine's arms as she tried to comfort the young girl.

"Miss Peregrine, where's Y/N? I want to go and give them a hug so that they know it's not their fault." Bronwyn sniffled, wiping stray tears from her cheeks.

"I believe they're in their room, dear," the woman started "once again, I'm so sorry about Victor."

Bronwyn silently walked up the stairs and to Y/N's room, just next to Enoch's room. Knocking lightly on the door, she earned a muffled "go away!" in return.

"Y/N.. it's me, Bronwyn. Would you let me in please?" the girl asked, the corners of her lips turned downwards in a frown.

Y/N opened the door and practically burst into tears. "I'm sorry," they repeated over and over "you have every right to hate me Bronwyn. I'm a monster," they sobbed.

Bronwyn wrapped her arms around their torso, crying into their stomach.

"I could never hate you Y/N, it wasn't your fault. I know that and- and Victor knows it too." she told them, stumbling over her words as she mentioned her newly deceased brother.

Y/N hugged her back, rubbing her spine in reassurance.

"Neglected," Y/N spoke up.

"Pardon?" Bronwyn responded, completely clueless. She pulled away from Y/N. "What do you mean by that?" she asked.

"That's how Victor felt. He felt like he didn't belong here and he wanted to leave." Y/N explained truthfully.

"I should have told him that it wasn't a good idea. It was selfish of me to encourage him and tell him we should run away together," they wept.

Bronwyn was quite confused, she only really caught on to the last sentence.

"Run away together? You wanted to run away too?" Bronwyn questioned, slightly hurt.

"No, Bronwyn. I didn't want to run away, but I wasn't going to let your brother go alone. And besides, wherever we are together is home; so I went with him," they smiled sadly.

It wasn't until Bronwyn gave Y/N a funny look that they had realised that they basically told her that Victor was their home.

"I-I'm sorry, I may have overshared a bit.." they mumbled.

Bronwyn gave Y/N one last hug before wishing them farewell, going to find Miss Peregrine again.

Once Bronwyn had left the room, Y/N sprawled out onto their hand-stitched quilt with a sigh. They felt nostalgic almost, as they saw Victor smiling softly at them in their head.

Tears welled up in their eyes yet again, they missed him. They missed his smile, the way he'd pretend not to find their jokes funny but end up laughing anyway, when he'd help them annoy Enoch even though they'd get into trouble in the end.

They turned over, trying to think of how things could have been different. Trying to convince themself that it wasn't their doing.

Bronwyn was right, they thought, Victor knows it wasn't my fault.. and so do I.

A/N: i apologise, this book is a bit of a slow burn but next chapter is when it really starts i suppose. i hope you're all looking after yourselves and your wellbeing during these tough times. much love <3

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