---- ACT XII

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wilbur soot

TW // graphic descriptions of violent acts, mentions of knives.

Y/N was worried.

What if they couldn't do it? What if Enoch was right? I shouldn't be doing this without a plan.

They felt cool drops of rainwater splashing onto their face, it was refreshing and it grounded them.

Y/N pulled on the sleeves of their cardigan gently, the smooth wool feeling nice on their fingertips. They let out a heavy sigh.

I can do this.

"Take your time, Y/N," Miss Peregrine told them – that's right.

Miss Peregrine trusts them enough to do this, that should be enough.

"Take your time."

That alone was such a daunting sentence, although meant to calm them, it did just the opposite.

It made it real.

Y/N focused as best they could at a time like this, crossing their arms for what would hopefully be the final visit to past Victor.

This time, they extended their right arm outwards slightly – allowing for a bigger opening.

A small whoosh was heard and the portal opened, splashes of greens and blues becoming a welcoming sight into what will inevitably be life or death.

Looking back towards the older children and Miss Peregrine was like deja vu.

I've probably already done this in another timeline, they thought.

Taking a shaky breath, they stepped into the bright portal. Now I definitely can't turn back.


A hand was gently placed onto Y/N's back, shaking them slightly.

"Y/N, wake up!" Victor whisper-yelled, though he wasn't very good at whispering so it was mostly just a shout.

Y/N rolled over, blinking slowly as they looked up at Victor's sculpted face.

"Hey Y/N, we're going today! Finally leaving this wretched place."

No, no we aren't.

Y/N sat up in their bed, crossing their legs as they wrung their hands anxiously.

"Vic..." their voice was shaky, they were so scared. Scared that he wouldn't listen and he'd go ahead with their reckless plan.

"Yes, Y/N?" his voice was so smooth, like honey.

"Maybe our plan isn't... I don't think that we should leave, Victor."

The tall boy looked as if his world had just come crashing down. His eyes held a look of confusion and hurt.

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | VICTOR BRUNTLEY ✔️Where stories live. Discover now