---- ACT II

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✎↷: —— ❤︎ ˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚

the honeysticks, ricky montgomery

Y/N could only wish that they'd be able to explain the dreams they were having to someone.

It was odd really, usually only Horace would be able to remember dreams in such detail; afterall, his whole peculiarity was to be able to project them.

They weren't just any detailed dreams though — they were memories. Memories of them and Victor. They truly felt as though they could cry.

"Victor! Wait up, you're too fast!" Y/N groaned, chasing their strong friend.

Victor turned back to face them, "hurry up then! we're going to miss it!" He continued running ahead through the field, eventually tripping over his shoe laces which had loosened themselves during the run.

"You're such a dork," Y/N panted after finally catching up "why did you bring me out here again?"

Victor grabbed one of their hands, placing his other hand gently at the small of their back. He led them towards a small patch of milkweed.

"Look," Victor whispered "a monarch butterfly, just like you're always talking about!"

Y/N looked to Victor, "How did you know where to find them?" they inquired, seemingly impressed yet shocked.

"Well, I remembered you saying they liked milkweed and I figured I'd see if there was some around here," the boy responded with a broad grin.

"Uh-huh, how'd you know it was milkweed?" Y/N asked him.

He looked puzzled for a moment before gathering his thoughts once again, "it smelled.. like milk?"

Y/N gazed at him, trying to keep a straight face. Just moments later they erupted in a fit of giggles.

"Victor, you're so-" they stopped mid sentence as the butterfly had landed on their nose. Y/N gasped softly, looking at Victor.

"Well would you look at that," the slightly taller boy smiled "it likes you."

Y/N carefully allowed the butterfly to climb onto their fingers, setting it down in the milkweed once more.

"Thank you Victor," Y/N turned around to the other, smiling widely; shining brighter than the sun.

"It was nothing.." he responded timidly, scratching at the back of his neck.

"Aw man, if I knew we were coming here I could have brought my sketchbook." Y/N pouted, slightly disappointed.

"Uh actually-" Victor pulled his friend's sketchbook from his coat along with a charcoal pencil.

"Victor, you're amazing! Now I can finally add the monarch butterfly to my picture wall!" they raved excitedly.

They held the clearly quickly drawn monarch butterfly in their hand. Running their fingers softly over the small piece of milkweed that had been attached to the paper after being left to flatten in a book.

"Smelled like milk, huh?" Y/N laughed sadly, sniffling slightly.

It had been about 4 days since Victor's passing now, they had barely left their room. Miss Peregrine had set Victor in his room, locking it.

The falcon warned the children to not go in there as it would disturb Victor. Yet, here they were while everyone was asleep.

They needed to talk to him, to be there next to him. Y/N didn't think it was fair to Victor that he wasn't able to have anyone speak to him. So they went and stole the key from Enoch's room that midnight, sneaking into Victor's room.

They turned back to face Victor, reaching out for his hand slowly. Intertwining their hands, Y/N sighed shakily.

"I know you may not be able to hear me right now — but I promise that I'll be here every midnight."

They leant down and hugged Victor, trying not to cry as they had done that so much recently.
"If you ever wake up somehow, I'll be right here," they whispered; squeezing the boys hand.

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | VICTOR BRUNTLEY ✔️Where stories live. Discover now