---- ACT XI

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The over exhaustion would be worth it, today would prove that to everyone.

Y/N huffed as they pulled on cotton slacks along with a white dress shirt and a grey cardigan overtop. They didn't like polyester because the texture irritated their skin.

They needed to make sure their clothing would also be breathable – if this was going to work then they might have to put up a fight.

They made their bed and quietly opened their oak wood door.

Y/N tip-toed over the cold floorboards – they creaked as a result of the cool air. They tried their best to keep quiet in respect of the other children still sleeping.

They opened the pine door of Victor's room and closed it gently behind them.

The teen looked to Victor's bed, seeing the sheets messy and the buttons covering his chest undone.

Enoch, I'll kill you.

Y/N fixed the boy's buttons and pulled the sheets back up to just below his neck.

They sighed heavily and sat on the edge of Victor's bed, a tight hold on his cold hand. Cold, his body was so cold.

The brunette's frigid body and sickly pale skin seemed to make the reality of it all so much worse.

"Hello Victor," the adolescent whispered.

Their lips seemed to tinge blue and their teeth chattered through their words due to the cold winter air.

"I've been so focused on getting you back... but I'm scared I won't be able to do it. I don't want to let Miss Peregrine down, nor Bronwyn."

For a moment they thought Victor squeezed their hand back, they brushed it off thinking they were just delirious.

There was a knock on the door and this confused
Y/N, no one comes in here except them, Miss Peregrine and occasionally Bronwyn.

Even then, they don't knock unless they knew someone was in the room and – from Y/N's knowledge – no one had been awake when they walked in.

"Y/N?" they heard from the other side, making it out as Bronwyn despite the voice being muffled.

"Come in," the teen told Victor's sister and the large door clicked open.

The girl walks into the room clutching a blanket around her shoulders, fresh tears slowly falling down her cheeks.

"What's the matter, Bronwyn?" Y/N inquired, concern written all over their face.

The girl joins Y/N on the edge of Victor's bed, refusing to look at her brother's still form.

"I had a nightmare," the younger choked out.

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | VICTOR BRUNTLEY ✔️Where stories live. Discover now