---- ACT XIV

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✎↷: —— ❤︎ ˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚

📰YOU AND I ˎˊ˗
one direction

Y/N fell to the floor.

Their hands were clammy and sweaty, their breath caught in their throat.

Did I do it?

They held onto their bedposts as they pulled themself up off of the floor. Y/N took deep breaths and they collected their thoughts, brain almost rendering.

Their eyes widened when they remembered what had just happened.

The argument, the hollow – saving Victor.

Y/N scrambled to unlock their door and clumsily turned the handle, their hand nearly slipping off of the copper doorknob.

They ran across the hall to Victor's room, pressing their ear against the door. No sounds were emitting from the room.

Y/N was concerned for a moment and grew frustrated with themself – that was until they remembered Victor's room was sound-proof, to which they facepalmed.

They gently turned the doorknob, it squeaking slightly from old age.

Y/N slowly entered Victor's room, seeing the boy still laying in his bed. They felt their eyes fill with tears as they got closer, putting their head down.

They held Victor's icy-cold hand, lifting their head slightly to apologise to the boy. That was when they noticed something.

Victor's eyelids, they were closed.

Taking a deep breath, Y/N gently squeezed Victor's hand. Gods please just let him be okay. Let him come back.

Y/N lifted their other hand and gently shook the strong boy, leaning down to whisper in his ear.


They felt themself praying to every god, goddess and higher being out there to just bring him back home.

Y/N closed their eyes, tears leaking out and down their face as they had lost hope. He was never coming back, and they were stupid for thinking he was.

"I'm so sorry, Victor" Y/N cried, sniffling and holding Victor's left hand to their heart.

"What are you sorry for?"

Every muscle in Y/N's body cramped up. Every fibre of their being almost crumbling as they heard his voice. They heard Victor's voice.

Y/N's head shot up and they stared Victor in the eyes, the boy holding the same face directed towards them. Without warning, Y/N launched themself forward, sobbing into their friend's chest.

Victor's eyes widened as he sat up slightly, his body a little weak. He rubbed Y/N's back, confused.

"You're here," they murmured "you're really here."

The boy looked around his room that had slow forming cobwebs in the corners of the walls, the mirror on his dresser covered in dust.

"Where did I go?" Victor asked, a light chuckle travelling through his lips.

Y/N only shook their head, their arms wrapped around Victor's torso. They would cherish this moment for the rest of their life – they would cherish Victor for the rest of their life.

Pulling their face away from his chest, Y/N gasped.

"We have to go see the others! Try standing up," the teen instructed, watching the other with a close eye.

Victor did as he was told, swinging his legs over the edge of his bed and he carefully stood up, his knees a little wobbly.

The boy in the dress shirt narrowed his eyes at the vase that was on his bedside table, seeing the wilting carnations.

Y/N blushed a light pink as they saw him staring at the flowers.

"I brought those in here for you.. they're a few weeks old now, though."

Victor hummed with a small smile. Y/N was always thinking of him, as was he of Y/N.

The cardigan-clad teen took Victor's hand into their own, leading him out of his room. The two of them crept down the hallway and descended the staircase, approaching the kitchen door.

Y/N wasn't sure how much the boy remembered, but they were okay with that. They'd help him remember. The two of them stepped over a fallen branch as they walked towards the other children and Miss Peregrine.

Nobody had noticed them yet, so they quickened their pace a little.

"Good morning, Miss Peregrine," Victor smiled gently.

That boy was the living embodiment of the sun. The stoic bird whom had turned to strictly black clothing once Victor had supposedly passed, cried.

Tears ran down the woman's face as she let out a noise of surprise, pulling Victor into a bone-crushing hug.

The other children simply stood there in shock.

Their eyes were wide, Bronwyn was crying too. They had done it. They had gotten Victor back.

"Victor!" the kids bustled about, everyone pulling the boy into a group hug. Somehow, Y/N had been pulled in as well and squashed against the strong boy's side.

He noticed them being squished and lifted them up, sitting them on one shoulder with a grin.

"Still got it," he joked.

Y/N raised an eyebrow at this, what could he mean? He couldn't possibly know what happened could he? There would be no way he could've found that out after being alive for a mere 10 minutes.

"Hey, Y/N! What do you think?"

They were snapped out of their thoughts when they heard Victor's voice.

"Hm?" they made a questioning noise as if asking the boy to repeat himself.

"Will you read to me later? Just like old times.." Victor's voice trailed off as he asked. His voice was a little panicked, becoming anxious after he got no answer for a moment.

"Of course, I will."

The tall boy sighed, his heart stopped doing somersaults in his chest. Victor simply smiled again, a warm smile that reminded Y/N of the moon. Bright and beautiful.

He held Y/N on his shoulders, hands placed on their thighs for support.

"So," he began "where are we off to, dear Y/N?"

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | VICTOR BRUNTLEY ✔️Where stories live. Discover now