---- ACT V

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Y/N took a deep breath in, looking out over the garden from their window.

The other children, minus Enoch, were down there playing. It had been around a month or two now since Victor's death. It was hard to go out and mess around when Victor was laying in his room alone.

They thought it was unfair to him. To have his life taken so early, to have the other children kept away from him.

The adolescent sighed, pulling on a grey woolen sweater for extra warmth before trotting downstairs.

"Good morning, Miss Peregrine."
Y/N yawned, walking over to the freshly boiled pot of earl grey tea.

"Yes, good morning dear. Why don't you go and read for a bit in the living room? Maybe that will wake you up," the falcon suggested.

Y/N only nodded, taking their tea and a random romance novel as they passed the bookshelf on the way to the living room.

Y/N opened the doors, sitting on one of the sofas in front of the fireplace.

"I'm so c-cold," Y/N chattered their body trembling.
Emma stood from her spot on the couch, lighting the fireplace.

"Thanks Emma," Y/N smiled.

Victor walked into the room, joining the older children. He immediately noticed his best friend shivering in front of the fire place and rushed to their side.

"Y/N you should have told me you were cold!" Victor scolded, jabbing his finger in their face.

"Why am I supposed to tell you when I'm cold?"
Y/N inquired, raising their left brow slightly in confusion.

"Because, if you tell me then I can help warm you up?" Victor told them as if it was so incredibly obvious.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" they snickered, smirking slightly at their tall friend.

"Like this!" Victor exclaimed, grinning.

He moved over to his cold friend on the couch, pulling them close enough so they were practically in his lap. He wrapped his arms around them, rubbing their arms as he buried his face in their hair.

"Victor?" Y/N gasped, freezing slightly. They certainly weren't expecting this.

"Am I warming you up?" he asked, now petting their hair.

Y/N nuzzled back into the boy's hand, accepting his overwhelming affection. "Yes, thank you."

"Y/N dear, why are you crying?" Miss Peregrine questioned, looking quite concerned.

"Pardon?" Y/N looked up at her, reaching their hand up to feel their cheek. There were, as a matter of fact, tears there.

Y/N looked back down at their romance novel, seeing the words slightly smudging together due to small tear droplets.

Miss Peregrine called their name once again as they zoned out, being reminded of another heartwarming memory.

"It's okay Y/N, don't cry." Victor told his friend, holding onto their hands.

Y/N had been crying over a book they were reading, their favourite character had ended up dying a tragic death and it had made Y/N incredibly upset.

"But it was so sad," Y/N's bottom lip quivered, more tears rolling down their face.

"Awhaha, I'm sorry. It must be very rough." Victor nervously laughed, pulling Y/N into his chest.

Y/N cried into his chest, soon their breathing had evened out; telling Victor they had fallen asleep.

Victor sighed, rubbing his hand up and down their back. "You really tired yourself out, huh?" he chuckled softly, whispering.

Olive slipped into the room and froze as Victor and herself stared at each other.

"You, don't tell a soul!" Victor whisper-yelled, making a shushing motion with his finger.

Olive giggled, making a mocking "Shh!" sound as she tottled out of the room.

Victor smiled, gently pushing some strands of hair from his friends face. He lay himself down on the couch, wrapping his arms around his friend tightly.

"Goodnight Y/N," Victor whispered in their ear, pecking them on the temple.

A/N: i'm so sorry for the inactivity, i lost motivation for a minute there :(

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | VICTOR BRUNTLEY ✔️Where stories live. Discover now